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Jann's POV:
I am weightless again.
Fuck. It's horrible feeling, a feeling I have felt so many times. After the crash I have been plagued with nightmares. Some nights it's okay and I can control it and calm down quickly but some nights I can't. Like how I couldn't control that stupid fucking car and got someone killed. Honestly it should of been me not them. I deserve it. Suddenly I felt my whole body flip and then.. SMACK! CRASH! BANG!
I woke up in a pool of sweat as I panicked trying to get my breathing under control but I couldn't. I couldn't breathe. My legs were shaking like mad and I couldn't think straight. I was staying in a hotel in Germany.
"Come on Jann get a grip of yourself."
I said to myself but I couldn't.
I slowly got back out of bed and then running out of my hotel room and down the hall to the one person who knew how I really felt. Jack. God to be honest now I really see him and Danny for that matter my dad's.
I panicked knocked on his door until I was met with a Jack who was half asleep.

Jack's POV:
There right infront of me was panic stricken Jann.
"Jann. What's wrong? Are you okay." I asked gently. He didn't respond.
"Jann. Kid. You okay?" I asked again. I saw tears starting to form in his brown eyes. Then I realized his breathing was completely out of control.
I gently guided him into my hotel room and I shut the door behind him. Then I guided him over to my bed and sat down on it. "Jann, look at me it's okay." I said gently. He look down up to face me for a moment then I saw his face. Tears which where threatening to leak where now streaming down his face. I gently pulled him in for a hug.
"Breathe. It's okay. In and out nice and slowly." I started doing it to breathing in and out slowly hoping for Jann to copy which he did. While Jann was focusing on his breathing I gently wiped away his tears which were slowing down and coming to a stop. Honestly he looked like a small child even though he was taller than me. I didn't have a child of mine own but over these past few months I saw him more and more as my child.

After a good five minutes Jann looked completely relaxed.
"You want to talk now." I asked gently. He nodded and looked up to face me. His eyes were bloodshot.
"Sorry." He said quietly.
"No. Don't say sorry, you have nothing to say sorry about." I said gently but sternly. He looked down at his hands and messed around with his fingers.
"I had an nightmare." He said out of the blue.
I knew where this was going.
"Was it about the crash?" Dumb question of course it's about that.
He nodded.
"I felt like I was all weightless again and then I felt the barrier. It was so so real." He said his voice sounding rough. God this kid was only 19, and he has already gone through so much shit.
"I wish I could take the pain away from you Kid. Because if I could I would do it in a heartbeat. But I can't. " I said out loud. Those words had been on my mind for the past few days. Jann looked up.
"I can help you carry the weight. You have so many people in your life who are here for you." I carried on.
"Also you have have people to stop you from doing dumb shit like drunk singing Enya in an open mic bar. Again. Again."
Jann let out a laugh.

Jann's POV:
"Asshole." I said under my breath. I remember that all to well. Hadn't even convinced Matty to delete that stupid video.
I feel better for now at least. It's like there is a plaster on the wound for now. But plasters don't last forever.
I felt tired and gently laid my head on Jack's shoulder.
"You tired kid?" Jack asked.
"What do you think Sherlock?"
I asked sarcastically.
"You want to stay here tonight." Jack offered.
"Yes please." I said sleepy. I felt Jack move a bit and I had to get off his shoulder.
"You want the sofa. I have extra pillows and blankets." He said.
"Wow. Actually can't believe your making me sleep on the sofa. While you get a king to yourself." I said mocking Jack's voice.

"Alright. As long as you don't kick in your sleep. Mr. Wriggler."
"As long as you don't snore, old man."
Jack chuckled.
"Well you're about to be in store for a rude awakening Kiddo."
I picked my side of the bed and snuggled down. Surprisingly Jack's bed was really comfortable. Some hotel beds are shit but Jack got real lucky.
"You comfy kid. I can get some extra blankets if your cold." He asked.
"I am good."
"Alright. If you need anything wake me up." He said.
"Jack if there is one thing that we have learnt tonight is that I don't give a shit about your beauty sleep old man." I said. I heard him chuckle a bit.
And in my last moments before I fell asleep...
"Jack. Thank you. Goodnight." I said before falling asleep in hopes of no nightmares.

Jack's POV:
God this kid. This kid. After all the shit he has gone through and he is still going. I heard Jann shuffle a bit and turn around so that he was facing me. I soon fell asleep and subconsciously I gently pull Jann in my arms for a hug. Protecting him from all the nightmares the world hurled at him.

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