Coming out

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Eve's POV: Ever since I was 13 I always struggled with my sexuality. So in my teen years I was always switching trying to find the right one that suited me. I mostly thought went back and forth between Lesbian and Bisexual. One day when I was year 10 one of my "friends" told the entire school that I was gay and I was an outcast to everyone. Boys would call me names. Girls wouldn't be freinds with me because they claim I would fall in love with them and do bad things to them. So ever since that day I kept everything quiet so nothing bad could ever happen.

9 years later.....

I am now 25 years old and I know what I am now. I am definitely bi. I had been for a few years but haven't told everyone. Only my parents which they didn't care too much about and Archie. It's been a few months since we first met and during filming Gran Turismo we started dating and I knew I had to be honest with him that I was bi and I had never been so scared in my life. I cared so much about Archie and in one secret I could ruin not just a relationship but a friendship and I didn't want to do that. I was wrong. Archie still loved me no matter what he didn't really mind that I was bisexual. I had never told the media though. Today I am going to since it was the first day of pride month. I got dressed up and place the bisexual flags on my face. I also got my ring light and placed it on the blue, pink and purple mode and setied my phone up.
The photos turned out great and I put it on instagram with the caption "Not Bi myself this pride month 🩷💜💙."

Not even 5 minutes later I have 1000's comments on that most. Some of them were nice and supportive. But all the others were all homophobic. Some of the comments said.
"Pick a side"
"What the fuck"
"Why would @ archmadkwe date you?"
The list went on and on. The comments that really hurted where that one's that included Archie. He shouldn't of been dragged into this mess in the first place.
I didn't want to tell him because I didn't want to be a burden to him. So I just sat in my room alone. Eyes puffy and red from crying, tears still rolling down my face. I just wished I'm never did that. Why did I do it?

Ten minutes later, I hear a knock at the door and I pull myself to go and answer it. I breath a sigh of relief when I see my favourite person in the world. I let him inside and out of the rain. He doesn't say anything and pulls me in for a hug. I try and not cry but I fail. Still Archie doesn't say anything. Instead he just stays there hugging me tightly. "I am sorry for bring you into this mess." I say in between my tears. He looks at me shocked. "What do you mean?" He asked. Just then my phone pinged. I knew it was probably from insta. Archie went over to my phone and placed it on silence mode and then turned back to me. "I got you your favourite ice cream." He gently. I look down the Sainsbury's shopping bag he had in his hand I just didn't notice it. "Thank you." I whispered, he walked over to me and gently kissed me on the forehead. "You don't need to say thank you." He said quietly.
Later we ended up on the sofa with a bunch of pillows and blankets, mint chocolate chip (0r your favourite flavor) ice cream and watching Adult life skills which we both agree upon that Jodie Whittaker is so fine. I felt myself falling asleep onto Archie's shoulder but before I fell asleep I heard Archie say gently. "Happy Pride month Eve. I love you and I won't let any bastard's on insta tell that you are a mistake because you're not."

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