Chapter 4: "Bloody Mess"

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Hi Shizuo here, today is just another day here at my naval base, it's quiet, there's not much paperwork and today is generally a slow and relaxing day since that incident with the Akatsuki class two days ago, and today will be a very relaxing day.

Except for the fact I woke up in absolute discomfort and I still have no clue why, the moment I woke up earlier I felt an unexplainable discomfort around my stomach but I shrugged it off as hunger so I start my day with a cold shower and the moment I got dressed I ran down to the cafeteria while still thanking my lucky starts I have Fubuki's hand me down clothes.

Even after breakfast I still felt pain in my stomach, as if I am experiencing stomach cramps or something so I decide to take it slow and steady so after breakfast I slowly went up here to my office and just slumped on the couch before curling up and tucking my knees in.

"Ugh. . . What's wrong with me today?" Is all I could ask myself since I am in such a miserable state right now

Then I heard someone knocking on my door and I just muffledly shouted from my pillow "come in" to let them knock my office door ain't locked.

"You look terrible today shorty" I looked up from my pillow to see it was Murakumo, I wasn't in the mood for playful banter and I just groaned.

I felt that she sat on the other end of the sofa before I heard her talk again "Usually you'd have a witty or petty comeback, is anything wrong Shizuo?"

I just replied with another grumble which wasn't an answer that satisfied Murakumo "Words please, I don't talk grumble you know that right?"

Knowing she wants a straight answer I sat up and lifted my face off my pillow before answering "I dunno. . .I just feel shitty and sluggish today not to mention my stomach hurts a lot today" I complain about my situation and unknowingly resting my head on her shoulder on accident.

Then I felt her gloved hand pat me and it was nice, ever since that day I regularly received pats and now I understand why some of the girls like this, it felt nice and comforting.

I asked Murakumo if I can keep leaning on her for a little longer and thankfully she did, this just makes me feel all warm and fuzzy inside.

Only after 30 minutes I got up and informed Murakumo "I'll be back after using the bathroom real quick-"

I flash a slightly weak smile as I walk myself to my office's bathroom

. . .
Murakumo on the other hand was a little worried since Shizuo was so sluggish compared to how she is normally.

"I wonder what's wrong with her today?" Murakumo asks herself as she was left alone as Shizuo went to use the bathroom.

The office was quiet except for the ceiling fan, it is so peaceful today well until Murakumo heard a shrill shriek from the bathroom.

Ofcourse Murakumo rushed and slanmed the door of the bathroom open "Shizuo are you alri-"

Murakumo's words fall silent at the sight of Shizuo on the brink of tears and blood on the toilet, she instantly and finally connected all of the dots together.

"Murakumo am I going to die?-. . ." Shizuo asks in a shakey voice and Murakumo just sighed and gave Shizuo a pat.

"Finish up and I'll explain it later ok?" When Murakumo saw Shizuo nod she left the bathroom and closed the door behind her.

After while Shizuo came out of the bathroom with a scared face and as she sat down beside Murakumo and it was obvious she was still trembling a little.

Seeing this, Murakumo gently pulled Shizuo onto her shoulder and pat her admiral just to calm her down.

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