Chapter 2: "Two-buki"

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"eh?. . . EHHHHHHHH?!!!?!"

Hold on why is my reflection Fubuki?! No, Fubuki has brown hair and green eyes, but it was the same color as mine, black hair and blue eyes.

"H-How. . .What?! Tell me this is is a dream!"

I pinched my cheeks and it felt it, No it can't be real I must be lucid dreaming! I slap myself and once again felt it, No! This I must really be in deep sleep due to how tired I got yesterday!

I ran out of the bathroom and did something I immediately regret. . . Slamming my toe into the side of my bed and once again it felt real and the pain was bloody real indeed.


All I could do is scream in pain as I clutch my foot, It hurts so bad! I am definitely not dreaming, but how could I turn into perfect copy of Fubuki overnight?!

"How could this happen, what caused this? What would Fubuki think?!"

What would she think seeing me like this, would she hate me for this? Would she be disgusted at me?

I was snapped out of my spiralling thoughts by hearing my door crack open "Shizuo!? I heard a scream from your room! I rushed here as fast as I could, are you ok?. . ."

It was Fubuki and she was staring at me and I stare at her back. "Fubuki. . ."

I just couldn't hold it back, I feel too overwhelmed by everything and I instantly breakdown into uncontrollable sobbing and slurring my words out

"Fubuki. . . I woke up. . . Like this. . .I don't know. . ."

I couldn't stop crying in sheer confusion and all I felt next was a warm hug, through my bleary eyes I see Fubuki hugging me close.

"Shizuo calm down, you're slurring your words, I can't understand what you're saying" Her voice was so calming and I sniffle and can't help but wonder one thing

"How. . .do you know it's me?" I then feel her hand on my neck and poked a certain spot

"Your birthmark is quite recognizable you know?, Though seeing another me is a little startling but when I saw your birthmark I kinda already knew it was you" her words felt so reassuring as I felt something heavy was lifted from me and I couldn't help but hug her a little tighter.

"Thank you..." I felt her hand on my head and she was stroking me, is this what headpats feel like

"Now that you've calm down, can you explain why do you look like me now?" I wipe the tears off my face using my shirt as I look up at her.

"I really don't know how this happened. . . I just woke up like this. . ." I gave a defeated sigh as Fubuki asked my a follow-up question

"So what did you do to warrant that loud of a scream earlier and me seeing youon the floor like that?" She said it in a slightly teasing way to lighten the situation a bit.

"I. . .umm. . .I stubbed my toe on purpose" she raised her eyebrow at me "And why did you do it?"

"I thought I was still dreaming?" I can feel the dissapoinment from oozing from her after I said that

"Besides your reckless and painful wake up call, I feel like you should explain this to the entire base atleast"

"I know but, how? It's not everyday someone wakes up as a girl you know?" I sighed exasperatedly at my predicament

"Well, let's take it one step at a time and we'll get there, you hear me Shizuo?" She squeezed my cheeks and made me look her in the eyes and all I can blurt out is "Yesh"

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