-Metting the emperor-

Start from the beginning

Once lily left Athanasia immediately jumped up from the floor and ran to the couch and pulled out two pouches. After getting them she quickly tied them to her thighs and stood up hiding them underneath her dress.

"Really?" Cale asked her with questioning tone.

"Of course, I'm going to sneak out tonight and hid them at the new place we found brother!"
".....This is kind of getting heavy. could you help me carry these?" She asked desperately.

"No, I'm not ruining my sleep to help with your nonsense" Cale said to her before going back to reading his book Leaving athy with a betrayal and sad expression. After a while Lilly came back with their milk and handed it to them.

"Thank you lily" athy said happily while Cale said it quietly.

"...thank you"

"It no problem your highnesses" she smiled before leaving the room to help with the palace chores.

After this long day Cale watched as his sister went back and forth for the past few days carrying their money pouches on her thighs. In doing so she caught a fever.
Though Cale laughed at her doing this he also felt a little bad for her and stayed by her side while she was sick helping lily and the maid taking care of her.

Ensuring this doesn't happen again he decided to help her hide the money today.

"Really! You'll help me" she said happily jumping around her brother which was hard because of the pouches but she still somehow managed to do it.

"Yeah, I'm bored anyways."

"This is great! Let's go then" She grabbed him by the arm and started walking with him to the 'secret' palace they found earlier.

'Seriously why does she keep dragging me? Does she think I'm some sort of doll?' He thought only for her to interrupt his thoughts once they reach the palace.

"Look brother it's real gold" she said to him excitedly. After hearing this Cale started to stare at it for a while even drooling a bit since it's been so long since he's seen real gold statues.
Realizing he was drooling he quickly wiped it away with his sleeve embarrassed.

"No one will notice if we take one, right?" She said to him before letting him go and taking a bit out of the statue to make sure it was real gold one last time. Though because they were distracted with the gold, they didn't seem notice that someone was walking behind them.

"Right!" Cale also said back to her a little excited and still unaware of someone behind them.

"What are these filthy bugs doing in palace?"

Hearing this cold unknown voice and pressure they were immediately startled and turned around to see who it was only to be greeted by those cold blue eyes again but because athy turned around to fast the pouches that she was hiding instantly fell to the ground making a 'clink' sound gaining everyone's attention before things went silent.

"It's that bastard, brother!! is this the part where we suddenly die then" athy said to Cale.

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