Chapter Twenty-Three

Start from the beginning

"My own face, is no longer a handsome one, though my Wife can still bear to look at me somehow." Viserys joked. "But tonight I wish you to see me as I am. Not just a king... but your father. Your brother. Your husband. And your grandsire. Who may not, it seems, walk for much longer among you. I love you all dearly and am sad to leave you, but when the time comes I know that this family, this house built of love will survive and flourish."

Enora helped ease Viserys back into his seat, pressing her forehead to her husband's. "That was well put, my love."

The sound of a chair dragging along the stone floor caused Enora to look to where Rhaenyra now stood, raising a glass. "I wish to raise my cup to Her Grace, the Queen. I love my father. But I must admit that no one has stood more loyally by his side than his good wife. She took a broken family and united it with never ending love and unfailing devotion. And for that she has my gratitude and respect."

"Your graciousness moves me deeply, Princess," Enora smiled at the younger woman, standing from her seat and raising her glass. "I raise my cup to you and to our house. You will make a fine queen."

"I would like to toast to His Grace, the King," Unwin spoke standing from his seat. "When I came to King's Landing as a little boy, you welcomed my family and I with open arms. And when you wed my mother, you welcomed us into the family. I have very little memories of my true father, but when I think of what kind of father I hope to be I think of you, Your Grace. I thank you for showing me how to be a man."

Viserys leaned forward as Unwin sat back down. "You and Ilaria have always been my children in my eyes and in my heart."

"Let us have some music." At the Queen's command a lively tune began to play.

Joffrey stood from his seat and turned to his wife and held out his hand. Ilaria smiled as she took her husband's hand and he led her to the dancefloor. As Joffrey and Ilaria danced, Helaena turned to Aemond with an almost expectant look in her eyes. Without a word the one-eyed prince stood from his seat and escorted his sister to the dancefloor.

A light and pleasant conversation filled the table as the servants placed bowls and platters onto the table. Enora placed two roasted duck breasts on her plate and a couple mushroom pasties and began cutting the meal into bite sized pieces. As if sensing the food was fully cut and Enora only needed one hand now, Viserys slipped his hand into his wife's. His head lolled to the side as he smiled at her when she turned to look at him.

Used to Viserys's desire to always be touching her, Enora began to pierce pieces of food with her fork and lift it to Viserys's lips. Alternating between feeding him and herself. She carefully watched his demeanor, searching for a sign of pain or discomfort. But there was none, Viserys merely smiled as he looked at his family around the room.

As desert was brought out, Viserys's breath became labored and he winced in pain. Enora quickly waved over the guards to come carry Viserys from the room. Rhaenyra and Daemon stood as Viserys's seat was lifted and the guards began to carry him from the room, concern clear on their faces.

"I apologize to everyone. Viserys needs only to retire to his chambers and rest, but please continue the evening without us. We shall meet on the morrow to break fast." Enora smiled, beginning to follow after her husband.


Night had fallen by the time Enora returned to Viserys's chambers .She had bathed and dressed for sleep though could not find rest. Instead she decided to check on her husband. Quiet groans and grunts filled the still air as Viserys writhed in pain. Enora quickly picked up the ever present goblet filled with milk of the poppy at the King's bedside and rounded the bed, climbing onto the mattress beside her husband.

With one hand she propped Viserys' head up as she pressed the small goblet to his chapped lips. He quickly gulped it down, needing the peace it brought.

"That's it." Enora whispered as Viserys drank.

When he was done, Enora placed the cup on the table behind her and picked up a folded piece of cloth. Using the cloth she carefully dabbed at the corners of Viserys's lips, cleaning any milk of the poppy that had spilt. Viserys's own hand reached up and grasped Enora's wrist, holding onto her tightly.

"Well done, my love." Enora whispered as she removed Viserys's hand from her wrist and instead held it.

"I'm sorry." Viserys wheezed.

Enora hushed him, moving one hand to stroke his uninjured cheek. "There is nothing to be sorry for, my love."

"I'm leaving... you... behind."

"Shh. We knew it would happen. I am grateful to have spent even a moment with you."

"I don't want... to go."

"And I don't want you to leave me, I would challenge the Warrior to a duel if it meant you would always be with me."

A heavy exhale passed between Viserys's lips in an attempt to laugh, though it quickly turned into a coughing fit. Viserys's body shook with the force of his coughs, as Enora could only sit there and wait for it to pass. Her thumb stroked the rough skin of his cheek, attempting to brin her husband any comfort.

Finally the coughing ceased and Viserys was able to take a deep breath. His hand squeezed Enora's tightly as he tilted his head to look at her. "Stay. Please."

"Of course." Enora's voice was hoarse with unshed tears as she responded.

She carefully laid down beside Viserys, careful not to disturb him. She laid close enough to feel him breath, yet far enough away so that she wouldn't cause him any pain. Viserys's hand moved along the mattress, stretching out to grab Enora's.

"I... I love you." Viserys wheezed.

"I love you, Viserys. I always will." Enora whispered, her gaze locked on Viserys's face. She watched as his lips parted with each breath, counting the moments between each inhale and exhale. "Rest now, I'll be right here."

A strange feeling of calm filled Enora as she allowed her eyes to close. She drifted away to sleep, lulled by the sound of Viserys's breathing.

AN: I am in physical pain writing this.


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