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"Bitch now you outside?" Danni laughed and nodded, Fatima just shook her head at her older sister.

The two were having brunch at a coffee shop, Fatima had already caught Danni up on her little messed up life.

Danni went out of town last month for work so everything was new the her, including Fatima and Zac.

"I'm still on how you let this man finger you in the bathroom." Danni said whispering on the finger part. Fatima shook her head.

"I didn't even mean to!" Fatima protested, "I was just stuck like I couldn't even move, that man has a way with his words."

Fatima smiled just thinking about him, "So what are your plans sister?" Daniella asked, "What do you mean?"

"Do you plan on staying with Marcel, even though you're unhappy? Like I'm confused." Fatima looked down at her food.

"I mean I don't know." She shrugged, "Marcel and I have worked through so much so leaving him would be like, loosing a part of myself. You know?"

"Yea I do know but I feel like you're holding on because of time and history."

"Well yea that's a reason, we've been together since we were 16 years old. Just learning what a relationship means."

"Then after all them years a new man just comes in and shows you all this happiness, brings out a side of you I haven't seen in forever."

"I don't think I've seen you glow this much since you got married." Danni added, Fatima wasn't happy with Marcel.

She thought she was but it was because she didn't know any other happiness. Fatima needed everything that Marcel didn't have nor give.

"I know I know." Fatima just nodded, the door swung open but Danni nor Fatima bothered to see who had entered.

Fatima laughed at something Danni said. "Bitch you're slow stop." Fatima cursed. "In this white people shop? Wow."

The both of them laughed as if it was the funniest thing in the world. "It's just something I've always wanted to do."

The voice caused Fatima to look up, her eyes widened as she looked at Zac with some lightskin girl only 2 tables down.

Her stomach turned and once again since she's seen Zac, she's felt nauseous. "I know damn well." She mumbled.

Danni turned around and cursed under her breath. "Fatima calm down, first off-" Fatima cut her sister off by standing up.

She made her way to the table, "You two look cozy." She jokingly said knowing she wanted to rip out his spine.

Zac looked up and gave Fatima a side eye before sighing, the woman, Valerie, looked in between the two noticing obvious tension.

"Nice to meet you, I'm Fatima. Zac can I talk to you for a second." She faked smiled through her gritted teeth.

"Fatima you can't see that I'm busy?" He lifted his hand to point between him and Valerie. Fatima mugged him.

She sighed, "Zac I don't give a fuck, I want to talk to you." Zac excused himself and stood from the table pulling Fatima by her arm.

They went over in the back, Valerie and Danni watching their every move. "What the hell is wrong with you?"

"Wrong with me? What's wrong with you Zachary!" She protested. "So what? You're seeing other woman?"

"Fatima I don't think you understand, look, you're married!" He grabbed her hand and put her finger in her face showing her 3 carat diamond ring.

She snatched her hand away, "you didn't have a problem with me being married last night." She argued.

"Well I'm done, I'm not doing it no more." He lied to her and himself, it was something about Fatima that drove him insane and he loved it.

"So you're done with me?" Zac just nodded, this made Fatima angry but she didn't bother to do anything.

She turned to walk away, "And I'll make sure to let your husband know where you were last night." She turned back around.

"As if he'll believe you." Fatima spoke, "Oh he will when I show him our little movie." He smiled  being petty.

"So this is the game you're playing?" He shrugged, "You can do it first but I guarantee I'll do it worst."

She walked away going back to the table with Danni, Danni put down money for the check and Fatima grabbed her bag.

The two left and went back to Danni's range rover that brung them there. "You mad, let it out."

Danni could see by the look on her sisters face that she wanted to cry, and Fatima did just that. "I should've told him."

"Maybe if I would've told him I wouldn't have gotten myself involved with him or in love with him."

"But no I just had to want to fuck someone just like Marcel and now look where it's got me." She spoke through her tears.

"You're right T, you should've told him but still that doesn't give him the right to do what he's doing neither does it with you."

"Y'all both keep saying yall done but find yourself in bed together every day. You and Marcel ended the open relationship yet you're still sleeping around."

"Zac told you he wasn't going to deal with you if you were still married and you're still married but here he is still dealing with you."

Fatima took in everything Danni was saying, "The choice is no longer up to the guys anymore, it's up to you."

"Who are you happiest with?" Danni asked and Fatima looked down to her lap, then out the window, after back to her ring.

"I'll take it as Zac." Fatima sighed, "I don't know what it is, it's something about him. It's I don't know- new."

"It's a new fond love for you and you like it but do you see yourself with him in the long run like Marcel."

Fatima nodded, "Unfortunately, I see us with kids and a family and that's the bad part." She admitted.

"Then you know what you have to do."

Is Fatima Delusional? 👀👀🤣

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