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Fatima and Marcel had went out for lunch and now she was preparing for a fancy dinner with Zac.

"You look fancy for work." He spoke as he bit into his ice cream. "Important meeting." Fatima said quickly as she sprayed perfume.

"Mhm." He eyed her, "What's up with us Tima? You wanna be done or some? You plan on leaving me?"

"What? Marcel don't start!" Fatima said as she clamped on her necklace. "I'm not starting shit Fatima, you been real different."

She rolled her eyes, "If you weren't out fucking all them girls maybe I wouldn't be." She mumbled but he heard her.

"That's what this about? Cause we can end this shit right now if that's what it is." He placed his bowl on the dresser.

She shook her head, "No it's fine, this what you wanted so this what were doing Jerod." She spoke.

Marcel sucked his teeth, "Man whateva." He huffed, he walked behind her and stared at her through the mirror.

"What?" She looked up at him pushing her hair out her face. "None. I can't admire my beautiful wife?" She looked back down.

He grabbed her waist and started kissing her neck, "Babe what're you doing?" She found herself letting out slight moans.

"I can't touch you either?" He mumbled against her neck as his right hand caressed her ass through her dress while his left did the same with her little friend.

"Cel don't do this, you know I have to work." Fatima spoke softly, "Fuck work. I want you right now!"

"I want you to babe but- No buts." He turned her and kissed her passionately, it went from slow and steady to fast and sloppy.

He went to pick Fatima up and did with ease, he walked them over to the bed just as Fatima got a phone call.

They ignored the first one then a text message came through, another call caused Fatima to snap out of it.

"Babe come on I have to go, that's my mom." She was able to get up and grab the phone before he got to it.

She saw a message from Zac wondering if he should pick her up or meet her. She responded saying to meet her.

"I have to go Cel, I love you." She pecked his cheek and made her way out the door, then to the front door.

Marcel didn't even say anything, he just prepared for his meeting he had with one of his boss's clients.

Fatima and Zac met up at Magnolia's, "Hey there beautiful." He greeted her, opening her car door perusal.

"Hey love." She responded, he leaned down and gave her a kiss. He took her hand and they walked together in the restaurant.

They were immediately seat and had their orders taken right away. "How was work?" Fatima asked as she sipped her drink.

"It was okay, my dad has been on me a lot lately saying I have to much on my plate but I think I'm fine."

"He's right you know? The other night when I was over you spent nearly 5 hours on 4 different business."

"Plus you're trying to maintain different banking accounts for all of them." She added on and he just sighed.

"I know baby I'm working on it, but enough about my job. How was work for you? I saw something on the news."

Fatima sighed, "It was a lot, there was a young girl abducted and my team was lousy. We're working on it."

She couldn't say much but she said all she could, "I'm sorry to hear that, I hope you find her well and alive." He touched her hand.

"Here are your drinks Sr." The waiter handed Zac his shot of Hennessy on the rocks, and Fatima her margarita.

"I'm going to use the bathroom." She excused herself and lifted from her seat, she made it to the bathroom and did her business.

She left and bumped into someone she didn't expect, "Marcel? What're you doing here?" She questioned.

"No what the fuck are you doing here Fatima!" He said aggressively, "Lower your tone!" She admittedly replied.

"I'm here on a business meeting, if you can't see." He tugged at his suit and pointed at the table behind him with 2 older white guys.

"I came to get dinner for the team, I had to pee." She lied as she made sure Zac wasn't looking her way.

"Fatima what is up with us man, you pushing me away!" He was angry with his marriage, he felt it wasn't how it used to be.

Him and his wife were never like this, since they were kids, they are each others first everything and it's just hurting him.

They met at the young of 16 years old, they didn't make it work until 18 and got married only a year later.

They had been together since, they didn't know anything else until now. Marcel felt like he was loosing her.

"Nothing babe, I- I have to go." She dismissed herself. Marcel watched her walk to the door and step outside.

He shook his head and went back to his table, after Fatima realized he was gone she made her way back in.

"There you are, I thought you ditched me." Zac said with a laugh, "No never, but I'm not feeling well, can we just go back to your house?"

"Of course," he called for the bill and got there food to go, the two left the restaurant together and still Fatima felt guilt.

But this time it was because she felt like she loved Zac, or how he was treating her. She didn't know what it was but it was worth jeopardizing her marriage.

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