He pushed open the small gate in the fence and made his way up the cobblestone path to the front door. Antares wasn't entirely sure what to expect from Andromeda Tonks. Sirius held high opinions, which he decided to take to heart. She couldn't be all that bad; she raised Tonks after all. He reached out and rang the doorbell, a short chime that echoed inside the house. How quaint.

Antares waited several seconds before he glimpsed a shadow behind the small stained glass window. The door opened, revealing Andromeda Tonks standing on the threshold, her chestnut hair gently tied in an updo. Her eyes were strangely bright, not with colour, but with kindness. She looked welcoming, something not often associated with the Black family.

"Antares Kelly, I presume," she greeted softly.

He gave a small nod. "Mrs. Tonks, thank you for agreeing to meet with me."

Andromeda shook her head before ushering him inside. "None of that; Andromeda will do just fine."

The inside of the Tonks home was modest, filled with muggle knick-knacks and decorations. Along the wall was a line of photographs, not like the moving portraits he was used to, but happy images of a family. Most were of Nymphadora, but a few depicted Andromeda with a tall, fair-haired man.

"I've heard quite a bit about you from Sirius," Andromeda began. "My cousin seems to think highly of you."

"Sirius has been a valuable ally and a friend," the Antares said. "The same can be said about your daughter."

"You are friends with Dora?" the woman asked pleasantly.

Antares matched her pace as she led him to the living room, where a plush couch sat opposite a beige armchair. "As much as I can be within the Order."

Andromeda gestured to the couch while she sat down in the armchair. "Sit down, please. Would you like some tea?"

"Yes, tea would be nice, thank you," he replied.

Andromeda waved her hand and, from what he assumed was the kitchen, floated in a large serving tray. It held an ornate teapot with a matching set of white porcelain cups. As they moved closer, Antares could see the emerald green colour of the detailing along the inside rims. They were snakes, dainty and knotted, but snakes nonetheless.

"An heirloom of my family. Given to me by my sister Narcissa upon my disowning," Andromeda explained as the tea poured itself.

"I have met Narcissa once or twice. Her son Draco was sorted into Slytherin, though he is a few years younger," Antares said, placing half a teaspoon of sugar into his cup.

There was a grace of a smile on the other woman's face. "Yes, she was quite proud when she heard the news."

Her words made Antares curious. So, Narcissa continued to keep in contact with her sister despite it being taboo, and on top of that, gifting her a set of family antiques? It was a dangerous game, and somehow, she kept herself hidden. He had to compliment Narcissa for her courage.

"She also wrote to me of this new Defense professor Draco told her about— A ministry-approved one," Andromeda continued with a glint in her eyes.

Antares placed his cup down on the night table to his left. Down to business, then.

"Dolores Umbridge," he confirmed.

"Senior Undersecretary to the Minister."
Andromeda huffed, disdain clear as she smiled ruefully.

"You know her, I take it?" he asked.

"She started Hogwarts while I was in my third year," she said, shaking her head. "Although, I'm surprised that she earned such a high-ranking position. Umbridge was never very impressive."

Illusory  §  Order of the Phoenix [UNDER REVISION]Where stories live. Discover now