"Stayed in contact? How so?" Clint asked.

"Well we texted, and sometimes she would call when she could find an apartment for a few days. But mostly texted and we met up a few times only to get food and then she had to leave." Luca states.

"She also came to his high school graduation." John shares.

"That was right before Hydra took you right?" Kira asked. Luca nodded.

"Could she have been involved?" Pietro asks.

"No! She wasn't involved with Hydra taking me!" Luca exclaims. "She's the one who got me out!"

"Ok bud chill. We just have to consider all the facts." Tony says calmly.

"Yes you do. And the fact, is that she got me out. Without her no one other than John would have noticed I was gone and no cop in that area of the city would believed him if he said I was missing." Luca states.

"But why did they take you" Tony asks, putting emphasis on the 'you'.

"I was some random kid who they happened to take." Luca guesses, shrugging his shoulders.

"I never got in contact with her after you went missing, at least not until you came back." John speaks up.

"So how did she know?" Wanda asks.

———On The Mission———

"Now what?" Steve asks his two teammates.

"Gosh you are terrible at this Steve." Natasha comments.

"Now we head back."  Bucky told his friend.

The three of them head back to the compound. When they arrive they find everyone else sitting around in the common area and walk over.

"What are guys talking about?" Steve asks the group.

"Conspiracy theories about River." Tony speaks up over the group.

"NO!" John yells and points a finger at Tony. "No! No, we are not!"

"Ok damn, chill." Natasha tells John.

"Now explain, without yelling, what's going on." Steve told the group.

"River was the only one who knew Luca was taken by Hydra, she had no way of knowing." Tony spoke up.

"Is." Luca adds.

"What?" Steve asks Luca, turning to look at him.

"She is, not was." He says again, emphasizing the 'is' and 'was'.

"Either way she's the only one who knew you were taken, and no one, so far, has a good reason as to why she would." Natasha announced to the group.

"No." Luca mutters so quietly only Bucky and Steve hear him, and stands up.

Everyone watches as Luca goss past the group and walks to his room. John following not to far behind. Luca goes to his room and sits on the edge of his bed.

"Are you okay?" John asks a Luca, sitting next to him on his bed.

"No."Luca responds.

"Want to talk about it, or do you just want company?" John asks him.

"Yeah, company would be nice." Luca tells John.

"Well good thing you have two people to keep you company." A voice comes from the door.

Luca and John both turn to see Bucky standing in the doorway. Bucky walks over to the two and stands in front of them. Without much notice Luca goes in for a hug, hugging both his brother, and Bucky. Not much later the tears that were previously brimming Lucas' eyes began to fall.

After some time of the three of them hugging they could hear some shuffling in the halls. Then a knock sounded at the doorway. The three, no longer hugging, turn and see Wanda at the door looking frantic.

"Guys, we have to go! We found River!" She yells.

At this the three of them look at each other before rushing out of the room. By the time they make it to the quinjet Clint is yelling.

"Wheels up in 5!" Clint yells at the team as they all climb long in.

After Clint and Natasha have the quinjet on autopilot, they make their way back to the rest of the team.

"Ok we need a plan." Steve announces after Clint and Natasha have found a spot to either stand or sit.

"Where exactly are we going?" Luca asks.

"The Hydra base where River is at." Clint tells him.

"Is she okay?" John asks.

"We don't know right now, but the last time we saw her she looked fine." Steve tells the two.

After making a plan that  they believed would work they suit up. 62 minutes later they were touching down and the back door was opening.

"Ok team let's not do something stupid and get River back." Tony speaks up.

As they were making their way out they noticed John and Luca following them off the quinjet. Steve and Tony both turn to tell them to stay.

"Kids you can't come." Tony told the two.

"What why not?" John asks, throwing his hands in the air.

"We don't want to die, and if River finds out that we let you on a mission, a mission where we're going into a Hydra base to find her, we'll be killed and dumped in the Atlantic." 

Just then a black blur is thrown at them. Before they could do anything to get away from it, a white gas started to flow out and not to long after they were all unconscious.

Hey my peeps!

As usual please comment on spelling mistakes and grammatical errors, I will gladly fix them!

This one was chaotic and had a lot of dialogue in it, but stay strong y'all it's about to great. And annoying. Both. Hope your excited.

See ya, later my peeps!

Word count-1346
Word count does not include A/N at the end of the story.

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