Chapter 46:Reconcile

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Y/N emerged onto a bank of white sand, breathing in crisp, clean air.

The Sanzu River looked exactly as she remembered. Pale and opaque as milk, it flowed endlessly down an empty landscape, the smooth surface of the river reflecting the changing colours of the sky above like a mirror. Some distance away, a long metal bridge stretched across the wide watercourse, disappearing into thick fog.

On the bridge, two figures were locked in a deadly sword fight, their movements too fast to be seen clearly by the untrained eye.

In the midst of the whirlwind of action, Y/N caught sight of a familiar face as she struggled to hold her ground against her adversary.

"Joy!" Y/N gasped, and ran for the bridge.

The long silver hair of her opponent was unmistakable. It didn’t matter how powerful Joy was – a reaper surely stood no chance against a queen.

Within range, the collision of their blades was almost deafening.

Mina looked furious, but hadn't so much as broken a sweat, "Traitor!" she hissed, landing a hard blow that Joy only just managed to deflect, "You dare to betray me?"

Joy spun away, a cloak of black feathers clutched in her grip, "I am loyal only to one queen," she said, "And it was never you."

Y/N stepped onto the bridge, she needed to relieve Joy of the cloak if she was to have a chance.

"Over here!" Y/N exclaimed.

Joy glanced at her, surprise briefly lighting her eyes. Without hesitation, she threw her the cloak.

Y/N watched, almost in slow motion, as the feathers sailed through the air like a dark cloud. Mina reached up to snatch the cloak, but before her fingers could even graze the material, Joy swung her sword and Mina was forced to turn and deflect the attack.

Uninterrupted, the cloak arced back down to the ground, and landed perfectly in Y/N's arms.

Mina growled in frustration and turned on Joy, "This is the last time you'll stand in my way!" she snarled, and drove her sword into Joy's chest.

Joy gasped, her blade clattering to the ground.

"Joy!" Y/N yelled.

Like Nayeon, cracks began to splinter Joy's body from where the sword had pierced her, light leaking out of every fracture as if she were a broken shell.

Strangely, instead of falling back, Joy grit her teeth and grab the blade with her bare hands, moving forward by sliding further into the sword.

Mina watched her, confused, "What are you-"

Joy threw a hand into Mina's dark hanbok sleeve, withdrawing a pair of elaborate sewing scissors.

Joy looked at Y/N. It's up to you, her eyes seemed to say.

Joy slid the shears across the bridge.

"No!" Mina howled, and withdrew her blade.

Joy exploded into a feather as the former abandoned her and rushed forward.

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