Chapter 13

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With an exasperated smile on his face, Charlie shifted the seven month old that was resting on his hip. "Lorcan, if daddy doesn't hurry we're going to be late."

With a loud squeal, the baby on Charlie's hip yanked his drool coated fingers out of his mouth and started waving his hand around. "Dah! Dah!" He cried happily.

Harry's head snapped up from where it had been buried in his diary sketching. Spotting his mate and son, he climbed stiffly to his feet, careful to not step on any baby Hungarian Horntails that had curiously gathered around him while he was sketching.

"We're going to be late if you don't hurry, love," Charlie called from the other side of the enclosure. "Your fathers have already left."

Looking down at his watch, Harry cursed softly. "Shit, we should have left thirty minutes ago."

Charlie chuckled when Harry shoved his pencil behind his ear then gingerly stepped around all the baby dragons. His mate was a baby dragon magnet. "Lorcan and I have been ready and waiting for forty five minutes."

Harry hurried out of the enclosure then kissed both his mate and drool covered son. "I'm sorry, you know how lost I get when I'm sketching. You should have drug me out sooner."

"Is this sketch for your journal, or are you going to give it the the jeweler in Diagon Alley?" Charlie asked as he directed his mate back towards their hut. Harry had made quite a few gallons on the side selling his designs to the jeweler who made the necklace Harry had gifted him last Christmas. He was very proud of his little love.

Harry flipped open his journal to show Charlie the sketch of the momma Hungarian Horntail sleeping with one of her babies wrapped in her tail. "I'm going to give a copy of this sketch to the jeweler, but I'm keeping the original in my journal."

"It's beautiful, Harry. You should try painting some of your sketches on canvas, you have a gift."

Harry blushed. "I don't know about that."

"You do have a gift, Harry," Charlie stressed. "Come on, even the veela queen has one of your sketches hanging in her throne room."

Smiling, Harry thought back to when they had visited the queen and she had fallen in love with the necklace he had created for Charlie. She had then asked if she could see his sketches and she had raved about them for hours. As a thank you for all she had done for him, loaning him books about fairies and offering him a place with the veela if he ever needed, he had gifted her with her favorite sketch, a sketch of an Antipodean Opaleye soaring over a lake right at dusk. He had to admit, it was a beautiful piece.

"Maybe I'll give painting a try after the holidays." Harry said feeling excited over trying something new.

Charlie playfully swatted his mate on the backside. "Hurry and get a shower, we should have been at the Burrow ages ago."

Giggling, Harry hurried towards the bathroom. "I'm sure my dads explained to your mom that we're always late."

Charlie shook his head, his little mate was right. They were always late whenever they had to be somewhere, and it wasn't because they had a baby to pack up and get ready. No, they were always late because Harry always lost track of time when he was working with the dragons.

Lifting his son up over his head, Charlie started making funny faces at him. His little boy looked so much Harry, especially now that his eyes had turned Harry's emerald green, but you could also easily see him in his son. There was no doubt that Lorcan was his little boy, that he was his biological father.

Harry came rushing out of the bathroom, his hair still dripping wet. Fondly shaking his head, Charlie whipped out his wand and cast a drying charm on his mate. "Are you worried about returning?"

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