Chapter 16- An Echo of their Fathers

Start from the beginning

At this rate, she was going to have to hunt down Cindy and beg her for cash. Either that, or get a job somewhere in town. She wasn't even sure where to start with that, maybe Taron would have some ideas.

"We apologize, mistress," the two Veiled continued to bow their heads, their tones even and respectful.

Audrey opened her mouth to respond, before slowly shutting it. A burning sensation crept into her bandaged hand, causing her to grip the thin wooden countertop harder and harder. She did her best to ignore that sensation, but the cracking and breaking of the counter couldn't be ignored. The two Veiled looked back up, their smoldering veils hiding their panicked expressions, but Audrey could still tell.

"I don't think you heard me. I have no money and I'm not from this town. I don't care what it is, make me a tray," the redhead ordered. A glare settled on her face as she felt dozens of pairs of eyes from the Initiates staring at her. Watching her to see what would happen.

"O-of course mistress!" the male stuttered out, followed swiftly by the female echoing his exclamation. "Gives us j-just a moment." The two turned and dashed towards a door behind the counter. Audrey got the slightest glance at the kitchen beyond the door, before it was shut behind the Veiled.

The moment they disappeared, that burning sensation in her hand disappeared and she relaxed her grip on the countertop. A broken chunk of wood clattered loudly to the ground, making the burning stares of the students even more prominent upon Audrey. But she stayed facing forward, refusing to turn to meet their curious gazes, her back straight and her shoulders squared. As if she had meant to break a piece of the countertop.

She had never imagined ordering around a Veiled like that. She knew, of course, that they were required to serve the every demand of a fully fledged mage, but she had always thought she would leave them alone. Surely they got enough work from the other mages. But in this one instance, it was clear they were happy to tell her no until she ordered them otherwise.

Several minutes passed before the Veiled came back through the door, carrying a tray with a sandwich on top of it. "Your breakfast, mistress," the female said. "Thank you for your patience."

Audrey just nodded, before accepting the tray and making her way towards an empty seat. She continued to ignore the stares of the Initiates, who had all crowded together at one table. There were about twenty of them, just enough to prevent Audrey from finding a spot. She would have to sit by herself.

She took a seat, before picking up the sandwich and chomping down on it. Her nose crinkled as she tasted stale bread, and a plain, boring piece of meat. It took her a moment to realize it was a very thinly sliced piece of pork that was heavily salted to preserve it. But there was nothing else. No sauce, no veggies, and nothing more than a glass of water on the side.

She risked a glance over at the table full of Initiates, trying to make out what they were eating. The only thing she could make out was gray slop, some sort of gruel that could be quickly made and slapped onto a tray for the students. She looked back down at her sandwich, wondering if she was just lucky that they were out of the gruel, or if they felt she deserved better because she was a mage.

She ate her sandwich slowly, not wanting to be the first one out of the cafeteria. Eventually, the Initiates had stomached as much of the slop as they could, before piling their trays up in the center of the table, and leaving. Audrey wolfed down the rest of her breakfast, before following behind them.

She felt like a lost puppy, unsure of where to go or what to do. She hadn't been told much by Taron, just that she would be acting as his teaching assistant today, and for the foreseeable future. So, as an assistant, she did the only logical thing she could think of. Follow the students, and she would eventually find Taron.

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