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disclaimer this is my idea of what happens in the next movie, not what actually happens.

we all hid behind one of the police vans, as we watched Miles's dad.

•timeskip to when we get to his dad•

"DAD!!!" Miles shouted running over to him, pushing him out of the way of the bullet about to be shot.

"Son? Wha-" He suddenly heard the sound of the bullet, looking to his right and seeing the bullet that was now engraved in the van. "How did you know that was going to happen?"

Miles struggled thinking of an excuse, but eventually got there. "I saw a gun, being pointed at you and then-" Miles was suddenly interrupted by the horrifying sound of screaming, that's when we saw a villain. "Get out of here dad!"

"Miles, come with me now!"

"Dad, trust me."

"Be safe."

We all rushed out to Miles and gave him his suit and told him to put it on in a building quickly, then come out to fight with us.
The villain grabbed Peter B. and threw him across the city, I got ready to attack before I saw a furry- wait nevermind it was just Miguel on all fours, running on the rooftops, or should I say crawling. I couldn't focus on him right now, I had to help and protect.

I rushed through the crowded streets looking for Peter, I found him struggling to stay afloat in the river, I quickly rushed over to him and pulled him out.

"Peter, go back home, get backup, anyone that could be on our side." I told him.

He nodded and weakly stood, going through the portal, I rushed back and saw something I didn't want to see.


On the floor.

Covered in blood.

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