Chapter 41: New Members

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"This dome... works in wonders, doesn't it?"

Mamoru asked while looking through the glass door of the master's bedroom. Watching as the ashes mixed with rainfall slide against the surface of the dome. Preventing it from entering the island's premises for it being deemed as harmful to the island's ecosystem. Making Mamoru let out a sigh of relief. With this, they didn't need to worry about accidentally breathing in volcanic gasses or ashes.

"As if the temperature wasn't already fucking cold enough"

He said while looking outside in a daze. Despite being so early in the morning, there were no traces of sunlight outside due to the sheer amount of volcanic materials covering the once-blue sky. This made it look like it was nighttime due to the darkness that befell around the island. Additionally, due to the ash clouds covering the sky, the temperature on the island became cooler due to the lack of sunlight.

"Hopefully... the apartment complexes and houses on the island have their thermostats. The cold from the blizzard hasn't even dissipated yet, but here we are... we don't even have sunlight to warm us up anymore"

He said to himself. They were wondering what kind of facilities and buildings they would see on the island later. He didn't remember anything that was shown to him by his ability back then when he registered the island, but he knew that everything was randomly chosen by the system on his behalf. So, even he didn't know what to expect to see once they stepped inside.

"I feel... a bit excited to be honest"

Sakura said with a smile on her face. Feeling a strange excitement due to the thought of exploring a newly built island as if they were on a field trip. Adding to that, the cold weather and fresh air coming from the island contributed to this strange feeling. Making Mamoru let out a light smile in response.

"You act more like a teenager than I do"

"All of us have our childish sides... even adults do. Especially since we all missed being young again. When I was a kid, I had all the time to play, socialize, and even dream big! But now... as reality struck we don't even have time to do any of these anymore. I became too preoccupied with my work, and... as I grew up. I learned more of my limitations as I associate more with society, thus... I just forget all of the dreams that I once had and became more practical with what I hope to become"


Mamoru remained silent as he wasn't able to relate much to what she said. Due to his past and lack of parental support, he had to scrape for whatever he could find to have just something to eat for the day. He had to work hard for everything, and thus he became more aware of what reality is like at a young age. He didn't have the time or motivation to dream big. All he wanted was to get a meal on his table every day.

"Reality is... often unforgiving"

He said before he glanced at the side where two new members of their group were. Waiting for him to speak to them, causing Mamoru to silently stare at the two of them. Slightly surprised that they even found the two of them since unlike most of the girls in their group, the two of them had no definite country of origin. He didn't know where they were since their original hometown didn't exist. Just like what happened with Panty and Stocking.

"So... why are you two here?"

He said with a friendly smile on his face, causing the girl with pinkish hair to build up her courage and speak up. Looking at him with a serious expression on her face. She feels a bit intimated since she is now facing the leader of this entire group and the one who completely remolded the island in just a few days. Making her somewhat nervous in response.

"S-Stephanie Dola, y-you can just call me Stephanie. I-I'm proficient in a lot of life and technical skills be it embroidery, sewing, and baking"

"No need to be too nervous, Stephanie-san. It's not like I'm going to hurt you or anything"

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