Going On A Date

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Ralph has already arrived at Sugarcube Corner, holding his wallet in his left wing. He is sat on the bench, waiting for Adorabella. They may not be able to have something to eat from Sugarcube Corner today, but they can still see each other, and if Adorabella is up to it, go somewhere else.

"Hewo!" Adorabella ecstatically spoke as she lands in front of Ralph.

"Oh- hey. Sorry, I kinda just dozed off there," Ralph lightly chuckled.

"Are you doing better than you were on that Thursday?" Ralph asked, still a bit concerned about that day. Adorabella nods, which makes Ralph happy and relieved.

"Hang on, let me get something. Wait here," Adorabella requested. She flaps her wings over to Sugarcube Corner, and uses keys to get inside. Then 20 seconds later, Adorabella is back outside with a piece of paper. She locks the door and flies back over to Ralph, giving him the picture.

"I made it for you- I tried really hard..." Adorabella meakly spoke as she uses both forehooves to move her mane to cover her blushing cheeks.

"That's actually pretty good... do you draw regularly?" Ralph asked as he very carefully and neatlt folds the drawing so it fits in his wallet. He is impressed with the drawing.

"N- no, I just thought of a flower and drew it based off of memory," Adorabella replied.

"That makes this drawing even better, considering you don't draw regularly," Ralph responded, having a smile on his face.

"I may start drawing more regularly then," Adorabella lightly giggled. Ralph's smile grew at hearing that.

"Drawing is a good hobby to get into. It's a good way to express yourself," Ralph stated. Adorabella nods.

"C- can I ask you something?" Adorabella requested.

"Sure, go ahead," Ralph nodded.

"Can we... meet up more... after work? I... really... I really like hanging out with you," Adorabella asked, stuttering. She is very nervous, but she really enjoys Ralph's company.

"I was actually gonna ask the same thing, whether you wanted to meet up more," Ralph smiled. Adorabella nods.

"I've sorted out my work schedule... so now we can meet up everyday... or any day you're free," Ralph stated. Adorabella smiles at that.

"So... with uh... Pinkie not at... Sugarcube Corner... and that she and Rainbow won't be back until late... I was wondering if... if we go and eat elsewhere..." Adorabella stuttered, slightly lowering her mane down before quickly covering her cheeks with her mane again. She can't finish her request, she is extremely nervous about asking the big question. She has never asked somepony to 'have a meal together'. Luckily, Ralph caught the drift, and nods.

"Have you been to the Hay Burger?" Ralph asked. Adorabella shakes her head.

"If you want, we can go there. Only if you want to though. I understand you still struggle with big spaces, and the Hay Burger can get busy occasionally," Ralph added.

"I- I am trying t- to get better with busy crowds..." Adorabella stuttered.

"That's good. I'm not saying you... not saying you must be fearless in crowds all the time. Just that... you need... you need to manage your stress in them better, and not let everything get to you so easily. But you have made a lot of improvements since we first started hanging out. I'm happy for your improvements," Ralph responded, being delicate and considerate how he responds. Adorabella nods while smiling.

"Let's try and go to th- the Hay Burger," Said Adorabella. She wants to try going there.

"Alright," Ralph nodded. He extends both of his wings and flaps them, lifting himself off of the ground, flies in the geneeal direction to the Hay Burger restaurant.

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