Learning To Trust

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Adorabella shakes her head as she wakes up, after an hour of sleep. The past 2 days had been the most stressful time in her life ever since running away from home and residing in the shack. She usually doesn't sleep for more than 3 hours at most, because she must sleep as little as possible. Somepony could break in and do something to her while asleep. But since Rainbow Dash knows where she lives, she must be awake for as much as she can.

The first thing Adorabella does is check that everything in the shack is still there. What if Rainbow Dash was lying about wanting to be friends? What if somepony already broke in and left without her even knowing?

The chest obviously hasn't been touched by somepony else, as she sleeps on top of it, which has the mattress, blanket and pillow. In the left corner at the front, the same side as the door, is the table that has various types of flint and scrap metal she found. None of that has been taken from there.

In the right corner at the back is a smooth wooden hook pinned to the wall that has a black cloak hanging from it, with holes on both sides for the wings. The cloak has not been taken.

Under the right-side window is a table, that has a diamond-shaped, shiny green shard attached to a silver chain necklace that's the same size as her hooves. She sighs of relief that the necklace is still there. It would be catastrophic if the necklace went missing as the shard's anti-magical properties stops unicorns grabbing her with their magic via telekinesis or casting spells on her. It also let her escape when Discord and Tirek went round stealing magic. Losing that necklace would mean that if she left the land surrounded by the moat which she embedded the other 8 shards, she would be vulnerable.

Then there's the 4 legged wooden chair and the shelf above in the right corner at the front. Nothing has been stolen, which is good. She then hears knocking on the door. She flinches and ducks down, as she feels herself going back to the past... mother and father arguing... their voices... echoing... ringing... screaming...

"Hey, it's just me Rainbow," The voice outside is definitely Rainbow Dash's. Adorabella relaxes slightly and walks to hook that has the cloak hanging on it. She takes the cloak off the hook and puts it on. She then grabs the necklace that's on the table under the right-side window. After putting the necklace around her neck, she approaches the door. She lifts the plank up until it's standing horizontally to the left of the door, and pulls it open.

"Hi," Rainbow Dash lightly smiled.

"H- h- hey..." Adorabella shyly stuttered back in response, lowering her head while keeping some eye contact. Although Adorabella remotely trusts Rainbow Dash, she's still shy and anxious. It has to be a setup for something. Nothing good ever happens. This can't be for real.

"Are you okay?" Rainbow Dash asked.

"A- as good as I c- can be..." Adorabella sheepishly replied.

"Do you wanna chill somewhere? We'll go somewhere quiet, where there isn't too many other ponies nearby, it'll be just us," Rainbow Dash offered.

"B- wh- what if some- s... somepony sees us?" Adorabella quivered.

"It won't matter as I'm pretty sure you can fly away... and nopony will catch you, that's for sure," Rainbow Dash replied.

"I... I s- I suppose..." Adorabella murmured.

"So um, what do you say? Wanna come and chill with me somewhere?"

"S- sure..."

"Let's go to the clouds, yeah? Race you there!" Rainbow Dash immediately takes off to the air in a perfectly vertical line, pushing through the roof of leaves. Adorabella waits follows suit and takes off herself as well. She struggles to get through the roof of leaves, but after getting through and above, she immediately starts accelerating. She then hears a loud bang and sees above her a rainbow ring with a bright flash in the middle.
"Oh my gosh I may actually beat her!" Rainbow Dash's competitive side takes over slightly. But then all hopes are crushed when she hears another loud bang. Rainbow Dash is almost at the clouds. But then Adorabella flies way beyond Rainbow Dash, and reaches the clouds before her, leaving a pink trail. Adorabella lands waits patiently on the nearest cloud for Rainbow Dash. This cloud is large enough for many ponies to be on, and on both ends is a large bulge of cloud, with a valley of sorts in the middle.

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