A-Z Herbs

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List of Herbs in alphabetical order:

Alder Bark: Alder bark is good for healing toothaches and decay.

Alfalfa: Alfalfa is good for healing toothaches and decay.

Aloe Vera: The gel within the leaves is squeezed out and used to treat burns.

Ash tree: The shoots of it prevent poisons spreading.

BlackBerry leaves: This herb when chewed into a pulp is good for bee stings.

Bindweed: Used to hold together a broken limb and stick.

Borage leaves: this herb is used to treat fevers. It also helps nursing Queens bring up their milk supply.

Burdock root: This herb I used to treat infections, and is especially good for rat bites.

Bramble Twigs: Chewed into syrup to help sleep.

Broken Rosemary Blossoms: Heals eye infection or covers wounds around the eye.

Burnet: Traveling herb.

Catmint (Catnip): this herb is good for treating whitecough and green cough.

Celandine: this herb is used to ease pain. It can also be used to treat eye injuries.

Chamomile: this herb is used to calm a cat in case of nervous shock or Severe shock

Chervil: this herb is used to treat bellyache

Chervil root: This herb is used to keep away and treat infections

Chickweed: this herb can be used as another treatment for greencough

Coltsfoot: this herb can be used as another treatment for whitecough. It can also be used to ease sick cat's breathing

Comfrey: this herb is used to put broken bones in the right path for mending.

Daisy leaves: this herb Is used to soothe aching joints

Dandelion leaves: this is another herb used to calm a cat in the event of a nervous breakdown or severe shock

Dock leaves: This herb is used to treat nettle stings. It's juices are also good for soothing sore paw pads

Elder leaves: this herb can be used to help sprains.

Echinacea: Eases infection

Fennel Stalks - Squeezed into the mouth, helps hip pain.

Ferns: Cleans wounds.

Feverfew: this herb is used to cool feverish cats and treat headaches.

Goldenrod: this herb is used in poultices to treat aching joints and stiffness. it can also be used to treat severe injuries.

Goosegrass: this herb is used to stop bleeding wounds.

Horsetail: this herb is used to treat infected wounds

Juniper berries: this is another herb to treat bellyache. It can calm a cat down in event of a nervous breakdown or severe shock

Lavender: this herb is used to treat coughs and fevers. It can also be used to calm a cat down in event of a nervous breakdown or severe shock.

Lungwort: This herb helps cure Yellow Cough.

Mallow: this herb is used to fight infection. It can also be used to treat bee or wasp stings.

Marigold: this herb is used to keep wounds from getting infected. It can also heal sores.

Nettle leaves: this herb is used to keep down the swelling of a wound.

Nettle seeds: this seed is used to counter effects of weak poison

Oak leaves: this herb is used to stop bleeding from a wound and to fight infection

Parsley: this herb is used to stop the initial flow of milk in a nursing Queen. (After the kits feed, the Queen's milk still flows, and this herb can be used to dry it up so it can be saved for later.)

Poppy seeds: this seed is used to numb pain and help a cat sleep. Giving a cat two seeds may negatively affect their health, so be careful.

Ragwort leaves: this is another herb to treat aching joints

Raspberry leaves: this herb is used to ease pain during a Queens kitting.

Snakeroot: this herb is used to counter the effects of poison.

Tansy: this herb is used to treat coughs. It can also be used to treat wounds.

Thyme: yet another herb to calm a cat down in event of nervous breakdown or severe shock.

Tormentil: this herb is good for treating wounds and countering the effects or weak poison.

Traveling herbs: these herbs are eaten by cats before making long journeys, such as to the moonpool or moonstone. They keep away the pang of hunger and give a cat strength.

Watermint: this herb is used to treat bellyache

Willow leaves: This herb is used to stop a cat from vomiting.

Yarrow: this herb is used to make a cat Vomit. This action expels poison from the body.

The 4 traveling herbs: chamomile, burnet, daisy, and sorrel.

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