⋆。˚ᴄʜᴀᴘᴛᴇʀ 5❀

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My parents decided to have both Omi and Suna over this Friday instead of switching between them every week as we do. We had already made all the arrangements and were waiting for them to arrive. Suna arrived first as expected, he thanked us for having him over again. A few minutes later, Omi finally knocked on the door. We were sitting down, eating, and having a normal conversation, were only 10 minutes in before hell started to let loose. 

"I'm always amazed about how well 'Samu can cook," Suna said while stuffing his face.

"Yeah, I have to admit it's pretty good." Omi nodded his head in response.

"That's pretty new coming from ya." Osamu rolled his eyes.

"'Samu chill out." I gave him a deathly stare that said 'Shut ya mouth.' But he didn't stop there.

"Ok then. Anyways-" Suna tried to lighten the mood after that, not so insulting but enough to make you know it was an insult, comment from Osamu.

"Actually, Sakusa, why are ya even here? It's not like ya even like Atsumu anyway, we all see it." The whole time his eyes were dark, staring right at Omi, not breaking eye contact.

The room went dead silent and I felt a mad burning sensation crawl up my throat as I tried, oh so desperately, to hold back anything that may come out my mouth. What the fuck is he doing?! I'm pretty sure everyone could feel how unsettling this was for the man that Osamu was directing this to. He took a deep sigh, almost letting out a small uncomfortable laugh. "How exactly would you know that?" The aura now becoming even more tense than it already was. It was silent, so silent that it felt like I was sitting in my room all by myself, so silent that you could almost hear everyone's heart thumping out of their chests. "Ya act like it." A short but bitter response came from Osamu on the other side of the table. "Osamu that's enough." Finally, someone stepped in and shut him up. He didn't utter a word or even make a loud sigh for the rest of the dinner, the awkward tension never left, even when everybody went home. 

"WHY WOULD YA EVEN SAY THAT?!" We had fights all the time, every sibling does, but this one was different. "I'm just looking out for ya 'Tsumu! I'm still ya brother ya know!" He didn't show a sign of sympathy when he spoke those words. "YA RUINED EVERYTHING 'SAMU!" My shouts only getting louder. He replied almost instantly "He's not a good person to hang around with!" He seemed so convinced he was right. "YA DON'T KNOW THAT!" I hated the way he wouldn't even take a second to think about his responses, I still do now. "I do! Just look at him! He looks like a freak and he always treats you like shit 'Tsumu!" To be completely honest, I don't know what happened at that moment, all I could see was red, that one statement was another for my anger to let loose as it controlled my body. The next thing I knew, Osamu was on the floor, his eyes as wide as his mouth, a small dribble of blood seeping out from his nose. 

That was the first time I had ever properly hit my brother- no joking around, no playing- it was a proper punch in the face. My identical other half was not different by only his hair color now, but also by the additional red mark that was now planted across his face, fazing out every other barely visible bruise and mark that you could only see if you were standing close in front of him. This difference between us wasn't a one-time occurrence. I never forgave him, I started to resent him- the situation always replayed in my mind, getting me riled up every day, and the only way to take my anger out:

Was on him.

a guide on how to NOT be a good brother- by Atsumu Miyaحيث تعيش القصص. اكتشف الآن