Didnt see that coming

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It must have been an hour since anybody had spoken as they sat and watched over the sick teen. They were all lost in their thoughts of guilt over him not feeling like he could confide in them about being hurt. None was hurting more than Sirius though. His heart felt weighed down with guilt. He should have done more to convince his son he would always be there for him. That he could always come to him for anything. That his dad would actually want to know he was hurt or sick.

Draco was the one to finally break the silence. He turned to look at his dad. "We forgot to tell Longbottom what was going on with Harry. I bet he is worried sick by now." He was looking guilty, since he knew none of them would have realized that Harry needed help if not for the Gryffindor.

"What?" Sirius shook his head trying to clear his mind reminding Remus of Padfoot.

Draco looked uncomfortable. He hadn't meant to disturb his uncle. "I was just telling Dad that we forgot to tell Longbottom about Harry. I'm sure he's worried."

"Oh I'll have Dobby tell him." But before he could call him Remus interrupted.

"That's okay Sirius I will go tell him and the other Gryffindors as well. I'm sure his teammates and classmates would want to know too."

"Thanks Remus." Sirius tried to smile appreciatively, but it came out more as a grimace.

"I wish I could go with you, since Longbottom actually came to me, but I know I'm not allowed in the Gryffindor tower." Draco mused.

"You can go in the tower Draco. You are a direct descendant from one of the Founders, since your Dad blood adopted you." Rowena Ravenclaw stated.

"But remember if you cause trouble there I will not let you enter again even if I have to inform your dad or uncle." Godric warned him. "My portrait guards the entrance after all."

"I won't cause trouble Granddad. I promise. I just feel I owe Longbottom the courtesy of telling him myself." He admitted.

"I think that is a great idea." Helga beamed proudly at the young man. "And I'm sure he will appreciate that you took the time to tell him personally."

"Is it okay if we leave through your quarters Sirius?" Remus asked as he stood to leave the room.

Before Sirius could say anything, Sal spoke up. "There is a door at the other end of the hallway that will take you out on the sixth floor. Just remember when you come back the password is 'family health' and only people that have been brought or let into the tower by somebody with Founders' blood can actually enter even with the password."

"Does that mean Andromeda can let them in as well?" Ted wondered out loud. "She is a Black too."

"Actually no," Sirius was the one to answer. "The Ravenclaw connection comes from my Father's side and Andi comes from my Mother's. It is just Regulus, Draco, Harry and myself that have Grandmother's blood in our veins."

Remus and Draco made their way out onto the sixth floor making sure to turn back and see what was guarding the entrance, so they could come back to the tower this way. The painting showed a young girl lying in a hospital bed with a woman that could be her mother sitting beside her. Draco remembered seeing the painting many times in the last couple of years and had always thought it should have been in the hospital wing. He now understood why it wasn't though. It made perfect sense why it was here now that he knew what was behind it.

Ron Weasley jumped to his feet drawing his wand when he saw who had just climbed through the portrait hole into the Gryffindor common room. He gave a bellowed roar. "Malfoy I will hex you silly and get away with it since you have come to attack us in our own common room. I don't care if others think you have changed I know a snake is always a snake and can't be trusted. And I have proof now with you coming here. You aren't allowed in here and now you'll be expelled."

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