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He stood at the doors looking into the Great Hall, Professor McGonagall and Hermione at his side. He was angry and trying to keep them from realizing just how angry he was. It was the welcoming feast of his third year at Hogwarts, but after everything he had learned this summer he wouldn't be here if he didn't want to make things right.

There at the head table was that manipulative old fool Dumbledore, a man he had looked up to and admired until he learned the truth about him. Now all he wanted to do was make sure the man paid for his crimes. He wanted to make sure that face never had a twinkle in his eyes again. And there also was Snape, a stinking, snivelling coward who had helped ruin his life. He couldn't wait to see his reaction when he realized that the gig was up, and he was going to be outed for exactly what he was by the son of his enemies.

Also sitting at the table for the first time was the new Defense Against the Dark Arts Professor. His name was Remus Lupin and he had just saved Harry on the Hogwarts Express on the way to school from a Dementor. Even so Harry couldn't help being angry with him. The man had turned his back on one of his best friends only on Dumbledore's word. Didn't the man have any loyalty at all?

He needed to stop thinking that way or he would be in trouble again. His Dad got mad every time he let his anger show at his best friend, but he couldn't help it, just the thought of him abandoning his Dad made him furious.

He noticed the sorting was done as he and Hermione made their way to the Gryffindor table to where the first friend he had ever made was sitting. Ron Weasley was a tall gangly red-headed boy that he had met on his first trip on the Hogwarts Express. Every since then they had been best mates, but now he had also learned the truth about him and it took everything in him to sit down beside him like nothing was wrong. He knew he needed to be close to Ron though for just the right moment.

Professor McGonagall and Professor Flitwick were both making their way to the head table now, since the tiny Professor had put away the Sorting Hat and stool. He had to do the sorting since McGonagall had called Harry and Hermione aside as soon as they entered the castle. Just thinking about the time in her office had his cheeks tinting red again. Why did Professor Lupin send that note ahead telling her he had passed out on the train? It wasn't like the man cared two figs for him after all he had abandoned him as well on Dumbledore's orders.

Over at the Slytherin table he noticed that Malfoy was entertaining his friends by pretending to pass out. He knew this was because of him fainting on the train, but it made his insides squirm in anger anyway.

Oh why couldn't his guests arrive already? He had made sure they had received the invites hours ago. Until then he had to bide his time, but then the fireworks were going to start, and the Wizarding World was going to be shaken up, or his name wasn't Harry James Sirius Potter-Black. It was going to be a monumental moment that was for sure. He was rubbing his hands together in glee on the inside, just thinking of the chaos that he was going to cause. Evidently his Marauder side was coming out in spades now.

He felt the stares from almost all in the Great Hall, and he knew it was because quite a few were upset that he had disappeared for more than three weeks this summer, while most actually thought he had been murdered, and some probably hoped he had been.

McGonagall had demanded to know where he had been while he was in her office, and got really angry at him when he refused to tell her. He had never thought anybody's lips could get so white and thin at his comments, "I'm not telling you where I was as it isn't anybody at this school's business where I spend my holidays, or do you demand that all students give you an accounting of their vacations?"

"Mr. Potter, the Headmaster is your magical guardian, and he asked me to find out where you were, and furthermore I do not appreciate your cheek," she exclaimed angrily.

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