Chapter 722: The method to enduring memories (5)

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"...Uhh, yeah."

Choi Jung Gun accepted Cale's greeting in an extremely awkward voice.

Cale peeked toward the notepad on the table where Choi Jung Gun had been sitting.

'Everything else was the same.'

Cale had not noticed anything special after finishing his evening lessons and following his memories back to the orphanage last night.

'My room was a single room.'

The children at the orphanage usually stayed with a roommate until the end of their freshman year of high school. However, Cale's situation was different because the kid who was sharing the room with him had left the orphanage. He had heard that the kid had come to the orphanage because his family's financial situation was not good but had returned home with his dad once it got better.

'It's a good thing.'

Cale was relieved that he had time to think alone without any interruptions.

"It seems like you two know each other?"

Cale gave a simple response as the book club president looked back and forth at the two of them and asked.

"I come here to borrow books every day at lunch. I've seen this sunbae-nim a lot during that time. That's how we've become familiar with each other."

"Oh, is that so? Do you like books?"

"Yes, sunbae-nim."

"Wow. I'm glad that we got someone who actually likes books. The book club's tasks are surprisingly hard and very repetitive."

The club president walked over to the desk where Choi Jung Gun was standing and pulled out an application form.

"We need to record and barcode every book, organize books, and clean the library daily. Everybody seems to think that the book club is a reading club, but our school's book club has a lot of things to do. We are even busy during festival season. Anyway!"

He smiled warmly to the new freshman whose name was visible on his uniform.

"What I am saying is that you need some level of affection for books to be able to enjoy the book club's duties. Does that change your mind about joining the book club?"

Cale gave a firm response with a smile on his face.

"No. Not at all. It makes me want to join the book club right away."

"Okay. That's the right attitude for a good club member."


The second year president smiled mischievously before handing Cale a pen and the application form.

"Use the inside of the desk over here to fill out your application. It doesn't look like there is anybody here today."

The library was oddly empty today.

"You see that chair next to Jung Gun hyung? You can sit there."

"Okay, sunbae-nim."

Cale responded and quickly headed toward the chair next to Choi Jung Gun.


Choi Jung Gun blankly watched for a moment before he flinched and urgently sat down. He then hurriedly started cleaning up his open notebook and pens. The club president looked apologetic.

"Hyung, I'm sorry for bothering you while you are writing."

"Huh? No, not at all."

Choi Jung Gun closed his notebook as he peeked to the side. Cale was focused on filling out his application.

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