8 - more and less problems

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(Sorry for this being so damn long)

As soon as I entered the quiet living room, my mother had me in a tight embrace, trapping me where I stood. A soft and delicate moment of her crying, breathing heavily, mumbling to herself and saddening sniffling. her face gently against my shoulder, holding me like I'd had been gone for a lifetime, like I been lost for eternity and this was first moment she had finally saw me again. The worse ran through her head like always when I was out like a searing plague of doubt and fear, believing always the worse will happen, worrying to much about things that she didn't need to worry about. Here she was, worrying endlessly.

I just patted her back, too tired to deal with her, right now. Too tired to put up with her crying about nothing, worrying about nothing. It was all signs she doesn't trust me to be safe in the slightest, needing to have someone to go looking for me, just to ensure she felt fine with herself.

"Don't be like this, mam." I sighed, hugging her back, knowing she couldn't help it but I wish she trusted me enough, trusted that I was about to take care of myself when I am alone outside, but that will never happen and she will drive herself crazy worrying endlessly about me. When I didn't need her too. I didn't need her to be a over protective parent, not anymore. "I'm fine, see."

"For 2 days, (f/m/l name)." She said my full name with such trembling firmness of her trying to be harsh but couldn't. "What do you thing you are playing at, making me worried, stressing me out for 2 days. You know fine well-"

"That you need to know where I am? That I needed to ask you to even be outside? Fuck that, I don't need you to know shit, because I don't want you to know where I was or where I am." I looked away because seeing her so upset, so hurt that it made me feel guilty. I loved my mother, Loved her and her worrying ways, but she's too much sometimes. I just want to just fuck off and not be seen by people until I want to be seen. When I want to talk to people. People were much better off without me around and that was very much clear on how they were when I was gone. "Mam, I'm 19 for Christ sakes, I old enough to be on my own outside and do whatever I like without needing you dictating and knowing every part of my life. You need to back the fuck off with that. I don't like you needing to know where I am and what I am doing, I don't like it when you get like this after 2 days. Is your life that meaningless that you have nothing else to do but worry."

"(Y/n), why are you starting shit with your mother man." Michael twist a face, looking at me as if I was being unfair. Was it honestly unfair to be honest about how she was making me feel. Should I honestly shut up and let things be things. When I keep my mouth closed, let things be things and ignores what was bothering me. Someone will be upset with me, thinking I had cheating by pretending to be fine with what was happening, like nothing was bothering me. When I do talk to someone about things I meant to ignoring, they still get upset with me. There was no winning, no way to keep Michael happy. No way to keep my mother happy. There was no way to keep anyone happy.

"Stay the fuck out of this, mammy boy." I glared at him.

"At least I care about my mother. Do you even care about your family or are you that much of a loner that you need to start shit with those that love and care for you?"

"Not much of a loner, if you keep talking to me." I rolled my eyes, not wanting him to tell me what I am doing, when I wasn't the one pushing anyone away.

"I don't want to be talking to you, but it's funny making fun of you when you're like this, grumpy bee." Michael chuckled. "But hey! You might never

"Michael!" Both Max and Roselyn grabbed Michael, dragging him alone before he said something out of Stupid. They let me and my mother to talk alone. Talk in private.

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