She doesn't say anything, she just blinks like she is expecting me to disappear. Her head shakes slightly, tears welling in her eyes and I can't fucking stand that I let this happen to her.

I kneel beside her, my eyes not leaving hers. She looks at me like she doesn't believe I am actually here. "You..." She touches my shoulder, "You're here," She says softly, leaning forward and wrapping her arms around my neck.

"I'm here," I tell her, my arms wrapping around her and holding her tightly, never wanting to let her go. "I am so sorry Addie," I say.

I feel her shake her head into me, "It is not your fault" She says, but it's muffled and like she is crying.

I pull away from her and look at her face, wiping tears from her cheeks.

"C-can we go? Please," She hiccups as she talks from crying. I nod slowly, taking her hands and helping her to her feet. She nearly falls over, so I scoop her up so that I am carrying her.

She just has underwear on, which ignites dozens of murderous thoughts directed at my father. Her big shirt covers her, though.

She doesn't protest, just nestles her head into the crook of my neck. I feel the wetness from her tears and it breaks my fucking heart.

I run into Mike and Owen the second I step out of the room with her in my arms, and they don't say a word, we just make our way back to the car. I get into the back seat with Adelina, Mike does as well.

I drape my jacket over her lower body just to be safe.

"I am going to check for any immediate injuries alright?" He says to her, but she doesn't seem to hear him because she is still clinging to me. Mike gives me a worried look and I just lean my head down to Adelina's, "Are you okay to let him look at you really fast?" I ask her.

She nods slowly, removing her arms from me and looking at Mike.

"I think I am fine," She says, her voice raspy and sounding extremely tired.

"Do you have any deep wounds, feel anything is broken, or have excruciating pain anywhere?" Mike asks her. She shakes her head. He asks her a few more questions, nothing too hard for her to answer right now, then for the rest of the drive she is at my side, my arm around her and lightly scratching her back like I know she loves.

She's okay.

She will be okay.

She is here, with me.

And nobody will touch her again.


Adelina Celine Torres

I was only gone for six days.

Six days.

A week ago today I was probably relaxing on my couch, eating chips.

Now I am in a hospital-like room that Ron has at his house. Why does he have a room like this at this house? Good question: I have no idea.

I have been in this room all day, and now it's going on five PM.

I am over being fragile and hurt.

Mike has been doing things like drawing my blood, giving me concussion tests, testing me for any fractures or anything, literally every test you can possibly give to a person.

I just oblige to whatever he tells me to do, my nerves building at a certain topic I know he is going to bring up.

I don't want to talk about it. I want to forget it.

If I forget it I can't be upset about it.

"The good news is you should be physically back to normal in a week," He says, "Some bruises may stick a little longer, but for the most part any soreness should be gone. Until then just take it easy." He says, setting down a clipboard and sitting next to me.

Silence falls over the room, well silence except for my heartbeat which I am almost certain he can hear since it's beating so freaking hard.

"Adelina I need to ask you..." he trails off and I tense. "Did anyone sexually assault you while you were there?" His voice is full of concern and I feel tears in my eyes.

I shake my head, "N-no" I stutter out, "Well not technically..." I realize I will have to explain to him what happened.

"He-he put me in a room and t-tried to..." I try to block out the memory.

"Take your time, it's okay Lina"

I take a breath, "I tried to fight him off and I managed to make him mad enough...he just-hurt me and l-left" tears are dribbling down my face at this point and the thoughts of what happened are becoming too much.

Mike nods slightly, "I'm sorry Adelina" he says, "I know it's hard but you will get through this alright? We are all here for you." He offers me a small smile that somehow brings me comfort.

"Can I leave this room?" I ask, feeling like I am being trapped again, and just wanting to return to my normal life—hoping that any normality will help me forget this.

And never think about the past week again.

If you don't think about it, you can't be upset about it.

"I don't see a reason why not." Mike responds, and I stand up, wiping tears from my face. "Oh, and Aaron wanted me to give you these," He reaches into his bag and pulls out my favorite sweatpants and sweatshirt of Aaron's along with a bag of chocolates.

"Thank you," I take them from him, my heart warming at how Aaron is always thinking of me. "I will let you change." He gets up and leaves.

I showered right when I got here this morning, and have been in a medical gown since. I feel stupid. Nothing is even wrong with me, I just have a few bruises.

Nothing Papa hasn't done.

Well, a little more than Papa has done, but I am fine.

I am fine.

Thoughts of what could've happened if I hadn't fought so hard against Aaron's dad flash in my mind and I have to stop myself from crying.

He climbed on top of me and was telling me all the things he was gonna do to me....i couldn't move. I was crying and felt helpless...then I heard Aaron's voice after what happened with Mr. Edwards. He told me I was strong, and I wanted to be strong.

So I fought.

I thrashed and scratched and kicked until I managed to draw blood on his chest and face as well as kicking him in his weak spot. He was so furious he lost all interest in me sexually and chose to hit me until I blacked out.

I finished up my shower and suppressed any unwanted memories, feeling eager to have any normality and hoping Aaron would give that to me.

Before I leave the room I comb my hair with my fingers, giving a nice big smile in the mirror. Not pretty, but fine.

My face isn't too bad, just a cut on my cheek and a black eye. And massive eye bags.

I hesitate before walking out, not wanting Aaron or Mike or Owen to treat me any differently. I don't want them to baby me and think I am some hurt little girl. I am fine.

I am normal.

Nothing ever happened.

1870 words

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