Poppy: Aww...you poor thing...here...let me take it out...it's okay...it'll be a small pinch...(pulls it out)

The small rabbit blinked, licked its foot and cuddled Poppy. She smiled, putting the rabbit down. It hopped around, and wiggled its nose. It hopped to the left side.

Poppy: You know where Floyd is? Okay, I'll follow you.

.... : There you are, Poppy.

Poppy turned around to find Spruce walking towards her wearing a purple eye mask, which was on his forehead. 

Poppy: Hey, Spruce. What are you doing here? Does your brothers know you're out here?

Spruce: Oh, told them I had to go...(whispers) tinkle. Plus, I want to check on him too. I hope you don't mind if I can come along? Please? (Makes a pout face) 🥺🥺🥺🥺

Poppy: Aw, how can I resist your cute, pouty face!?! Come on!

Spruce: Yes! 


The small, brown rabbit took them to a huge tree. Sitting under it, Floyd hid his face under his knees in his pajamas. 

Poppy: Thank you, little one. (Hugs the rabbit and waves goodbye to it) Bye, bye! 

Floyd: (Mumbles) Oh my gosh...right in front of my brothers...and it was loud too...like a whoopee cush—

Poppy: Floyd?

Spruce: Hey, little bro?

Floyd stopped mumbling. He lifted his head. In such surprise, Floyd was still blushing and fidgeting, but then he immediately put his head down. Poppy and Spruce sat next to him. They gave him a hug.

Poppy: It's okay.

Floyd: No, it's not okay. 🥺🥺🥺

Spruce: It is okay, little bro...you didn't do it on purpose.

Floyd: I know. But...I can't believe I would do something like that in front of you Spruce, our other brothers, especially a queen like you Poppy. I'm sorry...

Poppy: You don't need to apologize, Floyd. It's totally normal. 

Spruce: Definitely. Everyone has gas...(whispers) especially me. (Chuckles)

Poppy: And I've done it in front of Branch once during our first sleepover date. I was embarrassed like you, but then he told me that it was totally normal...and cute. (Giggles) To tell you this, Branch has not yet done it in front of me yet. I think he's a bit shy being caught doing it in front of me.

Floyd: (Giggles) Really? But....but....will they think I'm weird or something?

Spruce: Our brothers? No way! I'm for sure that they will understand and will be concern about you, especially Branch. 

Poppy: They love you, Floyd. We all do, no matter what.

Floyd's frown turned into a small smile. He hugged Poppy and Spruce again, thanking them for talking to him. 

Poppy: Umm...I'm going to go to the bathroom. Didn't you have to go tinkle, Spruce?

Spruce: What? When did I say that? Oh...ooh...actually.....about that....(messes with hair)....that's an excuse I made so I can find you and Floyd. But...I guess I'll try to go. What about you, Floyd?

Floyd: Oh, you guys go ahead. I'm good.

Five minutes later, Poppy and Spruce returned as Floyd still sat under the tree, whistling. Floyd gave them squirts of hand sanitizer that he had a spare of. Floyd grabbed his pants. The three of them walked through Troll Forest to get back to the others. Poppy faced Floyd, who had a small smile on his face, Spruce hugged him and Floyd hugged him back.

Trolls: BroZone Camping TripWhere stories live. Discover now