early bird

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Y/n got up three hours and a half before breakfast, which was always at half past seven, on the dot. Your stomach dropped as soon as you opened your eyes and your body filled with an immense amount of anxiety.

You didn't want to go. The whispers made you think people were talking about you, and they almost definitely were. You weren't weird or anything, you just stopped being friends with a popular slytherin girl. The laughs felt directed at you. The pushing through the corridors felt like they were doing it on purpose.

You decided to get out of bed early for once. Maybe that would make you feel a bit better about yourself. You might be able to get around to that homework you had been procrastinating or maybe do something productive. You brushed your hair, making sure to make sure it didn't go frizzy. You had quidditch practice later, and your hair gets bad enough when you are on the ground, doing regular day-to-day activities. You sprayed a handful of fluffy mousse into your hand and you incased your hair into it. You carefully brushed it out with your fingers, making sure no mousse got left behind, making it look like there was bird poo in your hair.

You made sure that everybody was definitely asleep, and then you got changed into your uniform in a corner by your bed. You would've done it in the bathroom, but the heating isn't on until five o'clock. And Merlin knows how cold it can get in the bathroom at night.

The clock read quarter to five. You decided to wait another fifteen minutes before doing your makeup in the bathroom. Even though your uniform makes you somewhat warmer, it still is freezing in there. Plus, nobody gets up until around half past six anyway. So you still had a good few hours to yourself.

You sorted out all of the books and equipment you would need for the first half of the day. You decided that you would get the rest at lunch, and put away the stuff you had already used. You hated hauling around a huge bag.  When you were younger, and in a muggle primary school, you would see all of the muggle big kids coming home, with heavy bags, complaining that they had two things called 'P.E' and 'food tech' in the same day. Whatever that was, you were just glad you dodged having to go through that.

You got your quidditch stuff laid out on her bed. You had just cleaned everything, so it wasn't like you were getting anything dirty. You had nowhere else to put your stuff, ready to grab and go. The clock struck five and you entered the bathroom and locked it. You grabbed your bio oil from your hiding spot and pulled up your sleeve. You looked at your scars, and as much as you didn't want them to fade, you knew that they had to, otherwise, somebody would find out. Nobody believed that bio oil worked, and you couldn't say why you used it, so obviously you had to hide it, otherwise Hermione would probably go on a mad one and try and get you to prove it. You dragged your fingers over the white lines that ran across your arm. You put the oil onto your arm and rubbed it in, quickly rolling down your sleeve and hiding the bio oil again, just incase somebody was somehow watching.

Your thoughts wandered back to your studies as you applied your concealer. As soon as you left Hogwarts for the summer, you'd be back into your council estate, where drama ran through and nobody liked eachother. You'd go back to standing on the baby swings while trying to ignore idiotic men getting drunk right by the children's park with your muggle friends. You'd go back to struggling to afford food and you'd go back to starving because then, having no food in the house wasn't a problem. You didn't want to eat anyway.

It sounds stupid to say, but you cared so much about your grades. You'll never be back at school again and there aren't any wizard universities or colleges where you can go back and learn things again. This is a once in a lifetime opportunity, so you've got to get your head down, otherwise, you'll end up working in a home bargains (and shopping there too because you'll be forced to be a cheapskate).

But surely this year didn't matter. Third year is just a time to do whatever. Sure, you got new classes and all, but it's not that big of a deal to fail one class, is it? Or atleast to not do aswell as you could. Sometimes you need a class where you can just relax.

You came back to your makeup. You applied your blush and mascara and eyeliner and this and that. You were doing it to prove a point. You had nobody to impress, but the slytherins always used to say stuff about your choice of makeup and clothing. You wanted to let them know that you hadn't changed.

You started to get tired as you finished getting ready. You didn't get much sleep last night. You were cleaning the dorm with Hermione, Lavender, and Parvati because Proffessor McGonagall had already complained about spiders burrowing in a specific girls' dorm's mess (it was yours).

You sprayed a few puffs of perfume and left the bathroom after the others had started to wake up at half past six. You sat against your bed, reading a book that you got gifted in your second year of Hogwarts, when you got your place in the quidditch team. You were still feeling a bit off, but you tried to go to a new world in your book. It was a classic, and you felt old when you read it because every teacher you've ever had kept it on their desk.

It turned to be almost half past seven, and Hermione dragged you up off of the floor and out of your dorm, so you could go to breakfast together. This was a first because Hermione almost always slept through breakfast, so you were excited to eat with her, although you didn't show it.

You climbed through the trenches (the stairs) and finally entered The Great Hall. You sat down with Harry and Ron, where you cringed at everything Harry said. You loved him though (PLATONICALLY). You filled your plate with all sorts of treats. You felt guilty about it, but you knew you wouldn't be eating as much when you got home anyway. Whether you starved or not.

Dumbledore did the regular thing of looking like Santa and announcing things that nobody ever listened to, apart from on the first day (everybody would be nosy and want to see what houses the first years got into. It's exciting to see if there's gonna be a Sirius Black or Tom Riddle dupe apparently).

Everybody left The Great Hall and went on there way to first period. Nothing that eventful went on at breakfast (like always), except for Snape choking on a sausage.

1200 words.

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