Chapter 6

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(Bill pov)

We stand around a holographic map showing the statue of liberty. Jean points to the statue. "They're there. At Ellis Island. The machine is set up in her torch."

"And Dipper? Did you see where he was?" I asks, trying to keep my desparation and panic under control.

"He was in the crown. But I can't say for how much longer until they hook him up to the machine. The world leaders are meeting at the summit of Ellis Island. He'll use the machine to turn them into mutants."

"But he doesn't know that his machine will kill them. And from what I saw, if he gives Dipper enough power it won't just effect everyone on that stupid island. It will effect everyone in the whole city."

"Using the jet we should be able to come around this way and come off of Manhattan, land on the far side of the island."

"What about harbour partrol? Radar? Anything like that at all?"

"If they have anything that can pick up on our jet, then we deserve to be caught."


After changing into the same leather uniform I had seen when I first woke up here with my knife strapped to my hip I board the jet with the others and strap in. Cyclops starts it up and I hold on to the armrests as we take flight.

I see through the window as we approach Ellis Island. Cyclops clicks some switches and buttons. "Storm, we need some cover right now."

Her eyes go pure white as dark clouds roll in providing cover. He lands us on the far side of the island, it being far from a soft landing.

"You really call that a soft landing...." I mutter under my breath as I unbuckle from the strap. We all get off the jet and I follow them into the statue.

We slowly make out way up the floors. We go through one floor, it looking like a gift shop as we head towards the stairs on the opposite side of the floor.

Leave it to me. I'll kill them all, no problem.

I stop walking, one hand on my knife as I look around. That voice is different than all the others. This one is female but it's not Jean's voice. My mental walls are still up so it's not Jean and Storm's voices. This one was so strong. Sometimes a strong enough voice gets past the walls but not usually since people don't usually have strong thoughts.

"Bill." Cyclops turns to me, everyone staring at me now.

"There is someone else here."


"If I knew that I wouldn't have just said it was someone, smartass. I don't know who but she is close. Give me like two minutes."

I walk around the corner and through a door that went to the back of the gift shop, the part that only employees are supposed to go in. Seeing no one I go back only to see someone who looks exactly like me, a knife behind their back. I see a door to another backroom behind them.

Without thinking I tackle them, us both falling into the next backroom before they kick me off of them. I swing my arm out the door slamming shut and locking keeping the others from interferring.

The other me stands up, knife in hand. I dodge each of their knife slashes, thrusting my arm out so their knife goes skittering across the floor out of reach. Their skin sipples as they go from looking like me to being a woman with orange hair and blue skin. I thrust my hand out, my knife flying out from my hip and right for her.

She jumps up, spinng and managing to dodge it before kicking me hard in the face and sending me on the ground hard. I get up but she's gone. I stand up and hold my hand out, the knife coming out of the wall and back into my hand.

Where the fuck could she have gone? People can't just fucking disappear like that. Who the fuck even is this woman? When I was looking through the senator's memories I saw her with Magneto. I have to fucking find that bitch before she tries to kill the others.

I walk the around the empty halls of these backrooms looking for here, not seeing any sign of her. Where the fuck could she be hiding?

"Bill, is that you?" I hear Storm's voice right behind me.

"The other one is still here somewhere. She's not far away."

"Come on. We should really go and regroup with the others."

Closing my eyes I see the walls I had built up to protect myself from everything. Concentrating I see those walls being torn down. I brace myself for the impact as all of the other voices flood in. I push all of them away, looking specifically for that one voice.

I've got you now.

There you are, you bitch.

"Yeah, but there is one problem." I quickly turn stabbing her in the stomach. "You aren't part of the fucking group."

She turns back to her normal self, her body falling to the ground with a limp thud, blood pooling on the floor around her.

I wipe the blood from my knife off onto the leather gloves on my hands before I walk back through the backrooms. I open the door back to the gift shop, everyone turning to me. Cyclops has a hand on his visor ready to hit me with his laser.

"Wait wait, it's me. I swear it's just me."

"Then prove it."

"You are a huge dick."

He takes a hand away from the visor. "What happened with the other one?"

"She has been dealt with. That is really all you need to know. Can we just go fucking find Dipper now."

We head up the remaining stairs until we're in the crown, it being completely empty.

"You said he would be here, Jean."

"I said he was and that I didn't know how long he would be here. If he's not in here then they moved him to the machine already."

I put a hand to my chest, this horrid pain spreading through the left area of my chest. It hurts to bad and makes it hard for me to breath.

"Bill? Bill, what's wrong?"

"I can't....I can't move...."

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