Chapter 1

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(Dipper pov)

I lay on my bed next to Tyrone, looking at the map of the world pinned to my ceiling. I hear Mable playing the piano downstairs.

"I would travel up north a bit, make it to Oregon before heading back to the sunny beaches of California." I look over at him hearing him laugh. "What? What is so damn funny to you?"

"Well the more north you get the colder it will be. And you hate the fucking cold."

"It wouldn't be an adventure if I didn't push myself just a little bit."

"When exactly are you going to do all of this traveling?'

I give a shrug. "I don't know, maybe after I graduate next year but before I go to college."

"Well, make sure to bring me with you when you decide to do it."

I turn to look at him, loving that sly smile of his. He leans closer to me, his lips connecting with mine. It feels like electricity is going up my veins filling me with energy.

He makes a noise that causes me to pull away and my eyes widen in horror. His skin is deathly pale, his eyes rolled back in his head and he is struggling to breathe.

"Tyrone!" I shake his shoulder not getting a response from him. I get up opening my door and yell down for my parents. "Mom! Dad! Help!"

Both of my parents rush in, my dad rushing to Tyrone. I back myself into the corner, trembling in fear as I hug my arms to myself, just mumbling to myself.

"I just touched him....all I did was touch him...."


2 years later

I pull my winter coat around me tighter as I walk the streets, my gloves not doing much to keep my hands warm anymore. They're soaking wet and it feels like my fingers are going to fall off any minute now.

I push open the door to a bar, walking in and welcoming the heat.

All around me are men and women yelling and cheering. In the center of the room is a giant cage fight happening except someone just won. They stand with their back to me. All I can see of him is his pale bare back and his blonde hair soaked in sweat.

The referee stands in the center of the cage holding the microphone.

"In all my years I've never seen anything like this. Is there no one who can put the beast down?" One man from the crowd gets up and enters the cage.

The bell has barely gone off before he sucker punch's the blonde guy knocking him to the ground, kicking him hard several times.

The blond guy doesn't seem fazed by it as he tackles the guy to the ground and just starts mercilessly punching him in the face until his fist is covered in the other guy's blood. He stands up as the referee takes center again.

"The winner and undefeated champion, The Demon!"

I walk away from the fighting, sitting at the bar. The bar keep looks me over suspiciously. "Are you even old enough to sit there?"

"I just want a water."

He slides a water over to me before sliding the tip jar futher away from me.

I sip my water as I do my best to ignore the cage fighting. I glance to my left seeing the blonde guy step out of the cage and pull on a black shirt with a yellow leather jacket. He lights himself a cigarette before sitting at the bar as well.

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