Students: yes mam

Kenji: sure why not

Keenzo: come with me guys I'll take you too um

They see a lot of people and they are told to get the antidote and change any IVS

They get to work

Exorcist: hold on Kenji right

Kenji: yeah what's up

Exorcist: just go and do something secure everything keep an eye out your the cram schools body guard you don't need to do this

Kenjj: alright I'll be bored though

Exorcist: yeah I know but there's nothing I can do

Kenji is walking around when he here's someone calling to him it's an old man

Old man: Hey could you give me a hand over here

Rin walks by too

Old man: oh and you as well would be helpful

They look at each other and shrug


Kenji: sweet I love this stuff

Old man: ssh tell you what if you two cut these up and hand then out to the injured you can each have a slice for yourself

Kenji: Sweet!

Rin: we'll cut them up nice

They start cutting them up

Kuro: this man smells like alcohol

Draco: yup sure does

Kenji: uh huh

Rin: yeah

Kenji: yo have you been hitting the bottle old man

Rin: that ain't very monkley

Old man: whoops busted it's so hot I couldn't help myself

Kenji chuckles: you remind me of our dad

Rin: sounds about right a degenerate holy man

Old man: Hahaha I like you kids what are your names

Rin: it's run okumara

Kenji: I'm Kenji okumara

Old man: really...I've heard of both of you

Rin: so when are you going to tell us who you are

Old man: who me didn't I Hahaha guess not I'm ryugi suguro's dad

Rin: huh your kidding!

Kenji: seriously!

Bon's dad: hahaha no I'm not see the resemblance

Kenji: not really..

Rin: suguro looks way more cooler

Bon's dad: Hahaha you think so sounds to me like both of you and my boy get along pretty well

They both flinch

Rin: we had a fight

Kenji: yeah that's a good way of putting it

Bon's dad: oh no you too huh welcome to the club because he's pissed off at me too hahaha

Rin: I don't thinks it's funny he can be

Kenji: ..difficult

Rin: yeah that's the right word

The Red exorcist - Blue exorcist x male oc Tempat cerita menjadi hidup. Temukan sekarang