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you smile and look at bella and as she sniffles into you and you pull away and look at her like this

"hey mom" bella asks "yes hun" you ask "can we train" she asks you and you nod and you and bella walk into the woods and train and you see a red eyed vampire staring at you and bella "bella run" you say as he walks forward to youse and she notices...

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"hey mom" bella asks "yes hun" you ask "can we train" she asks you and you nod and you and bella walk into the woods and train and you see a red eyed vampire staring at you and bella "bella run" you say as he walks forward to youse and she notices him and he runs at her but you knock him down and bella gets blood on her face and arm from you being scratched and you look at her like this

"hey mom" bella asks "yes hun" you ask "can we train" she asks you and you nod and you and bella walk into the woods and train and you see a red eyed vampire staring at you and bella "bella run" you say as he walks forward to youse and she notices...

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"what no" she says "RUN" you yell and she does and you get grabbed and bitten and you scream and fight him off you bella runs to the cullens

The Cullen's Pov

everyone is sitting in the lawn chilling when bella runs out of the woods and has blood on her face and arm and everyone stands up and runs to her "bella what happened" edward asks "a vampire attacked my mom, shes in the woods fighting her off, we have to help her" bella says everyone looks at each other and then they hear a scream and run off and see you being held by the neck and you groan and wrap your arms around the vampire and flip him and they see blood all over you "back off" you say "no" he says you do this to him

everyone is sitting in the lawn chilling when bella runs out of the woods and has blood on her face and arm and everyone stands up and runs to her "bella what happened" edward asks "a vampire attacked my mom, shes in the woods fighting her off, we...

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he stands up and you blast him with fire and he burns and you sigh "MOM" bella yells and runs to you and you smile and faint into her arms and everyone runs forward "hold your breaths" bella says they do confused and bella cuts her hand and drops blood in your mouth and you do this

"oh bloody hell" you say and sit up and bite your wrist and hand it to bella and her wrist heals as she drinks it and her wound heals and you stand up with bella and hear running "oh come on" you say and bella laughs and you run and grab her and r...

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"oh bloody hell" you say and sit up and bite your wrist and hand it to bella and her wrist heals as she drinks it and her wound heals and you stand up with bella and hear running "oh come on" you say and bella laughs and you run and grab her and run her to the cullen house and hide her and run back and blast the person and she stops the attack and you see rowena your mother, she found you when you left your siblings to explore and she took care of you and raised you with fergus till you got taken and they got told you were dead

reborn as rebekah mikaelsonOnde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora