Chapter 14

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The study sessions leading up to the final exams became a regular part of Haesoo, Hyunjin, and Felix's routine. They would meet in the library or one of their homes, armed with textbooks, notes, and the determination to excel in their exams. While their focus was on academics, their time together was also filled with laughter, support, and the occasional snack break.

Haesoo was grateful for Felix's offer to organize the study sessions. It was a chance for her to spend quality time with both Felix and Hyunjin, nurturing their friendships without the burden of romantic tension. As they tackled challenging subjects and helped each other understand complex concepts, their bonds grew stronger.

The exam day arrived, accompanied by a mixture of nerves and determination. Haesoo, Hyunjin, and Felix found themselves sitting side by side in the examination hall, each silently vowing to give their best. As the papers were distributed, they exchanged encouraging smiles, knowing that they had each other's backs.

The exams themselves were challenging, but the trio persevered. They supported one another during moments of doubt and celebrated small victories. When the final bell rang, signaling the end of their high school journey, they walked out of the examination hall with a sense of accomplishment and relief.

"Finally, it's over," Haesoo let out a sigh of relief as they stepped out of the school gate. Her shoulders felt lighter, the weight of weeks of preparation and anticipation now lifted.

Hyunjin grinned, his eyes sparkling with a sense of triumph. "We did a great job."

Felix nodded in agreement, his smile mirroring their shared sense of accomplishment. "I'm so proud of all of us. We tackled those exams like pros."

As they made their way out of the school building, the warm sunlight greeted them, and the world seemed to shimmer with newfound possibilities. It was a moment of liberation, of leaving behind the pressure of exams and embracing the freedom of the unknown.

Haesoo looked at Felix with sparkling eyes. "It's all because of your study sessions, Felix. Thank you."

"Yeah. Haesoo is right. Thank you, Felix," Hyunjin did a dramatic bow.

Felix chuckled at Hyunjin's dramatic bow, a playful glint in his eyes. "You're both very welcome. But remember, it wasn't just me; it was all of us working together as a team that got us through this."

Hyunjin straightened up and flashed a wide smile. "Teamwork makes the dream work, right?"

Haesoo nodded in agreement. "Absolutely. And our dream was to ace those exams, which we did."

As they continued to walk away from the school, their footsteps filled with newfound lightness, Haesoo couldn't help but feel a sense of gratitude for her friends. They had not only supported each other academically but had also strengthened their bonds of friendship along the way.

Felix reached out and playfully tousled Haesoo's hair. "Now that we're free from the clutches of exams, what do you guys want to do to celebrate?"

Hyunjin's eyes lit up with excitement. "I have an idea! How about we head to the beach? We can relax, soak up the sun, and just enjoy the feeling of freedom."

Felix nodded in agreement. "Sounds like a plan. I could use some sun and sea breeze."

Haesoo's heart swelled with happiness as she looked at them. "The beach it is, then. The day is tomorrow, and we will spend the whole day there."

In the days following the final exams, Felix found himself caught in a whirlwind of emotions. The study sessions had come to an end, yet the storm of feelings within him continued to rage. He watched Haesoo and Hyunjin with a bittersweet ache in his heart, knowing that his love for Haesoo remained unrequited, yet cherishing the friendship they all shared.

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