Chapter 12

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Haesoo came to the school with a heavy heart. She didn't know how to face Felix after that confession. She valued their friendship, but she felt guilty for hurting his feelings. The weight of their unspoken conversation hung over her like a cloud, casting a shadow on what used to be carefree moments.

As Haesoo walked through the familiar hallways, the echoes of laughter and the chatter of students seemed distant. She couldn't shake the thought of Felix, her friend who had been her anchor since she moved to this school. His warm smile and unwavering support had eased her transition, making her feel like she truly belonged.

But now, everything was different. The air was thick with the unsaid words between them, and it weighed heavily on her shoulders. She knew she had to address the situation, but the fear of damaging their friendship further held her back.

As she walked towards the classroom, lost in her thoughts, someone gently held her hand. Startled, Haesoo turned around to see who it was. Her eyes met Hyunjin's, and for a moment, all her worries seemed to fade away.

Hyunjin's warm smile reached his eyes as he looked at her with understanding. He didn't need words to know that Haesoo was struggling. He had always been attuned to her emotions.

"What's wrong, Haesoo?" Hyunjin leaned closer to Haesoo and looked into her eyes.

"Nothing. Let's go to the classroom," Haesoo smiled brightly at Hyunjin and held his hand.

Hyunjin could sense that Haesoo wasn't being entirely truthful, but he respected her desire to keep things private for now. He nodded and gave her hand a reassuring squeeze.

As they made their way to the classroom together, Haesoo noticed that Felix's seat was still empty. It added to her unease, knowing that she would have to face him eventually. She wondered if Felix had arrived early or if he was deliberately avoiding her.

Taking her seat, Haesoo exchanged a few words with her classmates, but her mind kept drifting back to the pending conversation with Felix. She couldn't bear the thought of losing their friendship or making things awkward between them.

The minutes ticked by, and the classroom slowly filled with students. Haesoo's anxiety continued to mount, and she found herself fidgeting with her pen, unable to concentrate on the lesson.

Haesoo went to Hyunjin with a worried expression, her concern for Felix evident in her eyes. "Uhm... Why isn't Felix here yet?"

Hyunjin glanced at the empty seat where Felix usually sat and furrowed his brow. "I'm not sure, Haesoo. He's usually here by now."

Their teacher began the class, but Haesoo's thoughts remained with Felix. She couldn't help but feel even more uneasy about the situation. Felix's absence seemed unusual, and she wondered if it was related to their pending conversation.
The bell rang for the interval, and Haesoo's unease continued to grow in Felix's absence. She couldn't help but feel alone without her friend by her side. The lively chatter of students filled the corridors as they headed to the cafeteria or gathered in small groups.

Hyunjin had left for the art room a few hours ago, and although she knew he had his own responsibilities, she missed having him as her anchor during this challenging time. Haesoo decided to go to the art room and meet Hyunjin during the interval. She needed the comfort of his presence and a moment of respite from the weight of her thoughts about Felix.

As she entered the art room, she found Hyunjin engrossed in his creative process, a canvas before him, splattered with vibrant colors. The room was filled with the scent of paint and the soft hum of soothing music playing in the background.

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