Chapter 07

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Haesoo was waiting for Felix and Hyunjin at the amusement park entrance. She had arrived early, filled with anticipation for a day of laughter and adventure. As she stood there, the sun gently warming her skin and the sounds of joyful screams and carnival music filling the air, she couldn't help but feel a sense of excitement.

From a distance, Haesoo spotted Felix and Hyunjin making their way towards her. They were engaged in an animated conversation, their smiles reflecting the enthusiasm of the day ahead. Haesoo waved at them, her heart fluttering with happiness.

Felix and Hyunjin saw Haesoo's welcoming wave, and their steps quickened as they approached her. The sight of her, standing there with a bright smile on her face, filled them with a sense of joy.

"Hey, Haesoo!" Felix called out when they were within earshot. Hyunjin echoed the greeting with an enthusiastic, "Hey!"

Haesoo grinned mischievously as she added, "Hey, Felix! and hey, Dramatic Llama." She playfully nudged Hyunjin, who rolled his eyes in mock annoyance, though a smile tugged at the corners of his lips.

"Alright, alright, Dramatic Llama reporting for duty," Hyunjin replied, giving an exaggerated bow. They all shared a hearty laugh, setting the tone for a day of lighthearted fun.

"I can't remember the last time I was at an amusement park," Hyunjin admitted, his eyes scanning the towering roller coasters and colorful attractions.

Felix chuckled. "Well, today's the day to relive those childhood memories. And Haesoo, being the physics genius, can probably explain all the science behind these rides."

Haesoo laughed. "I might just do that, Felix. But first, let's get our tickets and decide where to start."

They joined the line at the ticket booth, chatting animatedly about which rides they were most excited to try. Haesoo's eyes sparkled with anticipation as she talked about the thrilling roller coasters and the dizzying spin of the Ferris wheel.

As they purchased their tickets and entered the park, they decided to kick off their adventure with the Ferris wheel. It would give them a bird's-eye view of the entire park and help them plan their day.

The line for the Ferris wheel was surprisingly short, and they soon found themselves in a colorful, open-air gondola, slowly ascending into the sky. The view from above was breathtaking. The sprawling amusement park stretched out before them, with its rides, stalls, and excited visitors.

Haesoo couldn't contain her wonder. "Look at that view! It's incredible!"

Felix and Hyunjin couldn't agree more. They took in the sight, the thrill of the park, and the sense of freedom that came with it. For a while, they sat in comfortable silence, simply enjoying the moment and the company of each other.

As they descended from the Ferris wheel, Haesoo couldn't contain her excitement any longer. "Okay, let's try the roller coaster now."

"I think you both should go," Felix said with a sly smile, slipping his hand into his pocket.

"But why? You should come with us," Haesoo replied, gently holding onto Felix's arm, her eyes filled with playful persuasion.

"Yes, Felix. You should come with us," Hyunjin nudged his friend's arm.

Felix couldn't help but be swayed by their enthusiasm and persuasive smiles. He let out a playful sigh and grinned.

"Just go, guys. It's a chance to get to know each other," Felix winked at Hyunjin. As he winked, Hyunjin got what he meant.

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