𝐎𝐎𝟏. Don't Screw Barty Crouch Jr!

Start from the beginning


Charlotte thinks she might be in love with loving people the way they need to be loved. It's not uncommon, she thinks, Alice Fortescue who graduated two years ago was more of the same. Others find her strange for it. The way she can simply have one interaction with someone, yet she'll love them with her entire heart the rest of her life. Sunshine makes for most of her life. In all honesty, it's also overwhelming to just be like she is. Not everyone is capable of love and that is terrifying.

"Where is troublemaker number four, by the way? Did you leave him at the station?" Raina tilts her head. She is eternally grateful for Charlotte's ability with sign, because she can only sign the alphabet even though she's been trying for years to get it right. Lukas doesn't seem to mind Charlotte's the only one of their friends to grasp it. "Please say you left him at the station."

"James is undoubtedly proclaiming his love for Lily again." Charlotte guesses.

"You're both wrong!" Remus snorts.

"Head Boy?!" Charlotte near-screeches. She flies up, and nearly shoves Penelope off the bench in doing so. "Oh, sorry Pens. Albus Dumbledore made the most unserious person Head Boy? Does he like watching the world burn? Oh, I'm so happy for James! Hang on, I'm going to find him and congratulate him!"

Charlotte's out of the compartment before anyone can stop her. She smiles at the people she passes, and greets those who greet her. Tiny first year gawk at the warmth she radiates. She can barely remember a time where she was that little, though she supposes she once was. Everything is great. Hogwarts will be great this year. She knows it will, and no one will convince her otherwise.

Except maybe the Slytherins in the compartment she has to pass before making it to the Prefect compartment. She can see James already, standing next to a fiery redhead, and Charlotte knows he will be over the moon. However, when she walks past the Slytherins, they all begin whooping and yelling. It's mostly Crouch and Male Rosier, but there's others in there as well. Charlotte still doesn't know why they're acting like that, like she's some monster. Luckily, there's no further engagement from the snakes.

Charlotte throws the doors to the Prefect compartment open and gives James approximately two seconds to catch her before they're both plummeting to the ground. She lightly punches his chest, grinning widely as if there's not twenty-three others watching. Prefects from all years, but currently only she and James exist to her. Because this is James, who despite breaking a thirteen-year-old Raina's heart is so much like Charlotte. Both positives in a world where positivity isn't always appreciated.

"Now that we've gotten that out of the way, perhaps Potter could go on with the announcements?" Comes the irritated voice of Severus Snape. Charlotte blushes a deep red, she prides herself in getting along with people but he is not one of them. "Not all of us have hours to do nothing."

Charlotte inspects the badge James has on his robes, and squeals, pulling him in for another hug. It's less violent, but he holds a firm grip on her as if he's worried they're going for the floor once more should he not. No one hugs better than James Fleamont Potter, and anyone who tells you differently is lying. Somehow, Charlotte manages to squeeze Lily in there too.

"No, stop, that is enough affection. Let me go, Lola, I'm suffocating between you and Potter!" Lily protests.

James lets go, which means Charlotte's forced to as well. She gives both of them an I Love You, allowing several of the Prefects to pretend to barf. The Hufflepuff Prefects all tell her they love her too, and she beams at them. While she's not close with the six yellow Prefects, they still love her. She quickly tells them she loves them too. One of the Slytherin Prefects scoffs at this. James involves himself, and Charlotte is away quick enough, but not quick enough to stop herself from hearing the Black, that comes from James' mouth. So hateful, for who he is.

[DISCONTINUED] I Know The End, Regulus BlackWhere stories live. Discover now