𝔫𝔲𝔯𝔰𝔢𝔰 𝔬𝔣𝔣𝔦𝔠𝔢 - 5

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I walked out of the girl's locker room, wearing a literal skin tight grey T-shirt and black basketball shorts.

I hate Gym, you wanna know why? Cause all my life I get injured while participating, so I often just sit around on the bleachers.

Anyway. I wonder where Bill is now? And Tom. I don't think they're out of the locker rooms yet.

I notice a familiar face, walking towards me while I'm sitting down.

It's Kiara! I'm happy to be able to hang out with someone I know while the guys are still busy.

"Hi Raven!" Her cheerfulness is overwhelming, how can someone be that happy all the time? I gotta take some notes.

"Hey Kia!" I smile, trying my best to ignore the incident with her friend earlier, it was embarrassing for all of us.

Kiara sits next to me, her head leaning on my shoulder. I'm now noticing that she's actually so beautiful, like REALLY REALLY pretty.

I relax myself and lean my head against hers, though I barely met her I feel really comfortable just like how I feel with Bill, and Tom.

I feel like me and her would be good friends.

I see Bill and Tom off in the distance, looking for me.

"Bill!" I yell, startling Kiara that was basically falling asleep on me.

They spot me and sprint towards the bleachers.

Kiara gets up and leaves, going off with her other friends.

"I didn't know you were into girls." Bills teased me.

I roll my eyes, hitting him on the shoulder as he sat down next to me.

"I don't completely know that yet." I say, half joking.

"Experimenting is hot." Tom says, making all of us laugh.

I love Tom and Bill, honestly they're so fun to be around. I miss Amy though, I can't wait until she comes so I can introduce her to the twins.

The gym teacher blows his whistle, and yells, "everybody, and I mean EVERYBODY has to come down to play dodgeball."

I absolutely despise dodgeball.

Tom and Bill get up, seeming excited about this.

"Do we have to?" I whine.

"It'll be most of your grade this week, you don't wanna fail do you?" Tom replies, holding out his hand to help me stand up.

I grab his hand and stand, clearly upset.

"Don't be a big baby, it's not like anything's gonna happen." Tom continues to make fun of me for being afraid, while Bill stays quiet and walks down the bleachers.

"Whatever, fine. I'll go." I mutter, making Tom laugh coming down the bleachers with me.

I stand next to Bill, Tom, Kiara, and a few more kids I don't know.

We each get one dodgeball, and have to try to get the opposite team out, bla bla bla.

Literally everybody looked excited, except for me and another kid hiding behind everybody else.

I decided to stick with him.

I walk over to the guy and try to start a conversation.

"I'm scared shitless."

Don't Forget Us ✮ Bill KaulitzTahanan ng mga kuwento. Tumuklas ngayon