𝔉𝔦𝔯𝔰𝔱 𝔡𝔞𝔶 𝔬𝔣 𝔰𝔠𝔥𝔬𝔬𝔩 - 3

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I met the twins yesterday, which was Sunday.

Today is Monday, the day pretty much the whole world hates the most. The first day of school.

Restarting the endless cycle all over again, I've never wanted to stab myself so bad before.

I wonder if I'll make new friends, besides Bill and Tom. I wonder if they'll even want to interact with me at school.

What if they get embarrassed of me? I don't know much in German, hopefully most people know English...

I finally got up from my bed. The whole house got furnished yesterday, after the twins left.

I couldn't sleep at all.

I walked over to my closet as I struggled to put my slippers on. I wanted to look nice, for my first impression.

I pulled out a long sleeve black shirt that had a odd pattern and rhinestones on it, with dark flared jeans. Of course some accessories as well.

I wore my hair straight, and started to do my skincare.

God, I missed Amy. It hasn't even been a full week, and I missed her so much. She's always been there for me, and I've always been there for her. We were stuck like glue, always having sleepovers, her house was like my second house, and it was the same for her.

When I finished my skincare, I grabbed my phone and decided to give her a call.

"Hello?" I heard a raspy voice answer.

"Amy! Why didn't you call?" I immediately answered.

"Oh, I didn't know if you were busy or not so-" she replied, but got cut off by me.

"Even if I was busy or not, I would always make time for you." I spoke from the bottom of my heart.

"AWWWW! Rae that's so sweet! Anyways, it's like.. 9pm for me right now, are you just getting up?" She asked me.

"Ehh.. it's like 6:20am. I just dressed and did some skincare. School starts at 8 so I'll have plenty of time. I don't even know why I woke up so early school is like five minutes from here walking-"

"Okay enough!" She suddenly spoke into the phone.

I was really confused.


"Are there any cute guys?"

"...what?" I repeated myself.

"Have you met anyone you found attractive or something?" She asked again.

My mind immediately went to Bill.

But he was just my neighbor, seriously I can't be having a crush on him. I barely even know him! This is insane.

It's not like I have a thing for him though... He's good looking but I don't like him like that..

"No." I said confidently.

"Awwh. Are you sure?" I could almost feel her frown through the phone.

"Yeah, I'm sure." I couldn't really hold back anymore, I had to tell her.

When it comes to Amy, I give in easily. Almost too easily.


That's all she needed to hear.

"Tell me EVERYTHING!" she yelled.

"Okay okay.. but not right now! I have to finish getting ready, how about I'll text you?" I spoke.

"FINE! But please remember to text!!"

"I will. Talk to you later Amy!"

I hung up.

Then I went back to my desk, and decided to put some makeup on.

It was officially 7am.

"Raven!!! Breakfast is ready!" My mom yelled from downstairs.

I rushed down the stairs, not really in a hurry for school but in a hurry for breakfast.

My dad was already gone apparently, he left at 5.

"The twins are coming soon. Eat up." My mom spoke. As I almost choked in my food

"At what time???" I asked anxiously. Hopefully not soon, I mean I was already ready for school but not ready to see them again.

"Around... An hour? Or sooner. Their mom texted me." She answered my question.

That's too soon!

"Are you serious??" I shouted.

"Don't raise your voice at me, hurry and eat." She yelled back.

I scoffed, picking at my eggs with sausage.

I'm scared for school, a new school. Hopefully I make it through the week that way I can show Amy around.

Time skip ahhaheba ------

When I finished my food, I rushed upstairs to finish off my outfit.

I grabbed my backpack, and put pins and charms of my favorite bands, just to decorate it a little.

I then took off my slippers, putting some socks on and then my converse.

It was 7:40.

I sprayed some perfume on, before sitting on my bed, bored.

This is what I get for rushing!

Might as well brush my hair again. I grabbed the brush, and I quickly noticed that I hadn't brushed my hair at all! Only patted it down.

What the fuck? I thought I did.

I brushed my way through all the knots of my silky black hair, and brushed my bangs too.

Thank god this is over with.

I looked over at my alarm clock


Ughhh I'm so anxious!

I went to my bathroom, brushed my teeth one last time, before searching all over my room for someone to do for 10 minutes.

I laid my eyes upon my box nail polish.

I quickly ran over, opening the box and taking out clear nail polish, no time to get messy right now.

I shake the clear nail polish up and open it, it smells kind of good if I'm being honest.

I paint my nails carefully and before I knew it I was already done.

"Raven!" I heard my mom call.

Perfect timing?

I slightly sprayed on a little more perfume just in case it had worn off and headed downstairs for my first day.

how did I do? Boring chapter maybe but it's okay more is coming soon ‼️

Don't Forget Us ✮ Bill KaulitzHikayelerin yaşadığı yer. Şimdi keşfedin