orion's belt (gxg)♥

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Description: Bailey and Ximena were together for three years, head over heels in love with each other. The two of them always had a close relationship with the sky and the stars, both of which kept them grounded. Unfortunately, love does not always go the way two might hope; one can so easily slip away. The stars however, always stay the same. They watch every situation unfold below them, holding onto the memories of it all. 

Date: November, 2018

Setting: Medford, Oregon

Song: Little Freak by Harry Styles

"I was thinking about who you are, your delicate point of view. I was thinking about you. I'm not worried about who you are, or who you will go home to. I'm just thinking about you."

One never knows what they have until it's gone. Or at least that's what Bailey was always told, and what she believed to be true for a while as well.

Absolutely, one hundred percent. All up until that one day where her eyes fell upon the face of a girl that awoke an entirely new outlook on everything inside of her.

Bailey knew what she had when she had it. There was absolutely no doubt about that in this particular circumstance. Beautiful raven hair, smooth ivory skin, eyes the color of dark chocolate. A portrait of whole and heavenly beauty.

The pain in this though was that a beautiful and priceless portrait must be contained behind glass eventually, out of reach of those who wanted to be close to it. Maybe even run their fingers across the canvas.

Not a day went by where Bailey didn't think about Ximena. That beautiful dark hair, the deep eyes, the soft skin. Her gentle, wispy voice.  Even now, standing in her bedroom, Bailey could hear the voice, feel her touch, smell her perfume.

Empty boxes sat stacked up against the wall and on Ximena's desk, politely waiting to be filled with clothes that would no longer be worn by their original owner. With books that would never again feel the warmth of Ximena's fingers across their pages. Stuffed animals that wouldn't be squeezed again in the tightest, most comforting hug they'd ever know.

With a sigh, Bailey slowly moved across the room to lay on her girlfriend's bed. She lay flat on her back, staring up at the tapestry on the ceiling, adorned with constellations. Out of the corner of her eye, Bailey saw a glimpse of soft cocoa colored fur. She turned and grabbed Milk Dud, the soft stuffed bunny that she had gotten Ximena for her birthday; the first birthday they had known each other.

Milk Dud clutched tightly to her chest, Bailey let her gaze drift to the tapestry once again. Her eyes scanned the stars, identifying the constellations as they went.

Cassiopeia, queen of Aethiopia.  

Aquila, carrier of Zeus' lightning bolt.

Ursa Major, one that Ximena always laughed about, along with its companion, Ursa Minor.

"What's so funny?" Bailey giggled along, playing with Ximena's fingers as they lay next to each other in the grass.

Ximena snorted, holding in another bought of laughter. "I'm sorry, I just don't understand why people choose to think about Ursa Major and Minor as kitchen utensils. Bears are just so much more..."

Bailey rolled on her side and moved to squeeze Ximena's side affectionately. "I sure hope you're not about to say 'romantic'. I know how much you like using that word, but I hardly think it applies here."

"Oh stop, you know I wasn't gonna say that!" Ximena smiled brightly into Bailey's face, much like the bright stars above them. Bailey laughed softly, moving up to push Ximena's hair back. She sighed contently, looking into her girlfriend's eyes.

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⏰ Last updated: 9 hours ago ⏰

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