Prologue 1: When everything that could go wrong...goes wrong.

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She shut her eyes close.

The warmth spread through her entire body. It was like a raging fire, mesmerizing, luring her like a butterfly towards the light. Her consciousness completely faded away. She couldn't tell where she was anymore, but she wished she could stay there forever.

So pleasant.

It was as if her senses made one with her surroundings, as if she made one with her surroundings. She felt complete, as if she just got back something she had always been missing.

"I will destroy you," said a voice she knew all too well, filled with visceral rage.

She immediately reopened her eyes. Her thoughts were muddled, as if someone had just awoken her from a deep slumber, yet she could feel her wings beat frantically behind her back. The fairy was floating in mid-air, a dark purple vortex surrounding her from all sides. The vortex was filled with the same mesmerizing energy she had felt only moments before. She lowered her eyes to look at her chest. Her hand was clenched around the fairy dust container hanging from her neck.

It was then, with a fear that made her heart sink, that she looked at Valtor, the one who had just said those words. His pale blue eyes were fixed upon her.

Her clouded mind finally got clearer, and memories of the last few minutes started to emerge frantically. She remembered having a heated discussion with the wizard which ended with her threatening to end his life. She had closed her eyes, had grabbed her fairy dust pendant, and had started directing the flow of her powers through her body, determined to put an end to his life. That's when things had turned sour. Out of nowhere, her focus had slowly slipped from her spell to the warmth all around her. It was like she had been intoxicated by an exhilarating smoke. But that wasn't the case. It was this place.

And this place...this pleasant place...this raging fire...this familiar and comforting warmth...was Valtor's spirit, her sworn enemy.

She was seized with a thrill of horror at the realization and an acrid taste got inside her mouth. She felt she was about to throw up. Overtaken by her emotions, her wings stopped beating and she crashed against the scorching hot ground.

Valtor took advantage of her fall and threw a fire blast at her.

Bloom didn't have the time to shield herself as she was drained from all her energy. She was hit head-on by his blast before she could do anything about it. The energy of the attack was so great, it got her ejected from his spirit.

She felt a vivid burning sensation which made her struggle to breath, closely followed by a feeling of weightlessness. She felt incredibly light, floating as if she had become one with the wind. It was pitch black, but she knew her spirit was on its way back to the Omega dimension, where all her friends were waiting for her to wake up.

She shivered at the thought. Her, not only her friends. Mrs Faragonda, Alfea students, the entirety of the magical dimension had been counting on her to defeat Valtor. It was then that a memory came over her. A week ago, the headmistress had called her into her office for an "urgent matter". She had hardly entered the office when Mrs Faragonda had handed over a huge book covered in a thick layer of dust to her. She remembered thinking it was a very old - probably also very boring - book at first, but it had turned out to be something of great importance. According to the headmistress, the book contained all the information she needed to learn how to magically enter somebody's spirit, to better destroy it from the inside. It was a forbidden form of magic and had been for hundreds of years, but Faragonda was ready to make an exception. Surely the reason this spell was ever created was to fight the likes of Valtor.

Bloom hadn't been thrilled by the idea, though she wasn't sure why. It kind of felt like cheating nature. But she had ended up accepting, nonetheless. It wasn't only about her and what she wanted to do, after all, but about the whole world. Cheating was allowed if it was to get rid of Valtor.

She had spent the remaining of the week training night and day, trying her best to understand the requirements of the spell, pushing her body and mind to their limits. Clearly, this wasn't your typical spell, and she had learnt it the hard way. The training felt like she was slowly ripping her soul to shreds. It was a spell she knew she would only be able to use once in her life. To put it shortly, the chance of a lifetime.

She had done it. She had successfully entered Valtor's spirit. His life had been within easy reach.

...And then she just screwed it all.

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