I shouldn't have let her out of my sight, especially when I turned his coworkers against him. I should have kept her close, safe.

"Aaron," Owen's voice brings me back, "She will be alright," He tells me, "He wouldn't kill her."

His words don't make me feel any better. I know he wouldn't have killed her--yet at least-- but he sure as hell would hurt her.

Hurt her.

We are at one of my fathers warehouses he got in California over the past few weeks, since he demanded we meet on his turf. I am supposed to meet him at ten, and it's only 9:48 but he can fucking deal with it.

I am pissed.

I am worried.

If he touched a hair on her head I am torturing him to death.

Fuck it, I'm torturing him to death anyway.

Walking into a room, I try to conceal my surprise when I see my father as well as Tread Winthraw.

This asshole?! Really?

Tread worked for my father around the time I moved to California. His father had two fourteen year old girls in his basement, so I killed him. Stupid ass Tread tried to kill me for killing his father, so I beat him up and let him rot in the room with his fathers dead body.

I was pissed, what can I say.

Now he sits smugly next to my father, wearing a cheap looking suit with a tie that doesn't even match.

Why the hell is he here?

"You're early." My father says, sitting up a little at my presence. I stare at the two men, so much anger bubbling inside of me.

Then my eyes zone in on Tread's knuckles—hits bruised, scratched knuckles. My eyes flicker to his face as a smirk appears, "You remember me, right?" he asks.

"Toby was it?" I say, unsure how I am keeping my composure with him.

"Tread you dipshit" He seethes.

"Ah, I remember you. How's your father doing?" I say, then feel Owen kick my feet from under the table.

"You wouldn't be nearly as smug if you saw--"

"Enough, Tread." My father cuts him off and my fists are so tight I think I might break my own hand.

If I saw Addie. I wouldn't be so smug if I saw her is what he meant to say.

"What the hell have you done to her?" I hiss at him,

He laughs.

He fucking laughs in my face.

"Her pretty little face almost made me feel guilty, but this" He gestures to me, "Was so fucking worth it."

I stand up abruptly, Owen's hand on my arm in a second, "Calm the hell down," He says under his breath.

"What do you want?" Mike asks, still sitting down. Owen sits and I glare at Tread, sitting as well. We will see how smug he is when I cut off his fingers one by one, or when I skin him just how I saw my father skin a man when I was eight years old.

"What do I want?" My father repeats the question, "I want my mafia back."

I shake my head, "It is too late for that. They don't trust you anymore. They never will."

He shrugs, "Not my problem." He leans back in his chair, "You get the Torres girl when they trust me again."

Silence falls over the room. Mike and Owen both know how unrealistic his request is. Trust is a very big thing in our industry, once you lose it you can rarely get it back, and at that it takes years.

"That would take forever." Owen says, his voice turning angry, his whole calm-composure act crumbling apart.

My father just shrugs once more, "I am in no rush. I don't mind waking up to such a beautiful woman every day," He smirks, and I lose it.

I am out off my chair in a second, pinning him against the wall.

"You" I say breathlessly, "You lost. Fucking take it and run back to New York with your tail between your legs like you should have done last week when I beat you."

"I beat you," I say once more, "You are not getting your mafia back, and you sure as hell are never setting your eyes on Adelina again."

I hear Tread get up and step towards me, but I don't move. Owen won't let him touch me.

Sure enough, I turn and see Tread pinned against the table, his face being pushed into the wood by Owen.

"Now tell me where she is," I take a gun from my waistband, "Or I kill you," I aim it at his forehead.

This time, I will shoot him.

That night at the Hamilton's I backed out, I was too afraid to kill my father, so I shot the wall just an inch from his ear to scare him. Now, though, I am not afraid. I will smile as he dies, I will cherish the memory forever.

Once he gives me back Adelina.

2011 words

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