Crys kept laughing a bit. "You're so easy to mess with." She said, mostly to herself.

"Anyways..." Brandon said, hoping to get the point across.

Crys took a breath before nudging Brandon's arm again playfully.

Brandon took a breath as well.

"We can go out later." Crys said, dropping the teasing. "It'll be fun."

"Thanks." Brandon said with a small smile.

The two friends kept walking to school, occasionally messing with one another or cracking the occasional joke.

Eventually Brandon and Crys got to school, and the two of them made their way through all their usual morning classes. Soon enough, it was time for lunch. They both took their usual seats across from Tomas and Emma and got out their lunches.

"How are you doing?" Emma asked.

"Good." Crys replied with a little smile.

"Heh. Good to hear." Tomas remarked.

"Before you ask," Crys spoke up, "I'm going to tell you both what happened, just... not here. I don't want to talk about it in public."

Tomas gave a little shrug. "That makes sense." He said.

"You can tell us when you are ready, Crys." Emma said kindly.

"I want to tell you. Now that things have gotten back to normal." Crys said.

"So, where, then?" Tomas asked.

"I was thinking maybe we could all go to someone's house and talk there." Crys explained.

"We could all go to my apartment once school lets out." Emma offered.

"That could work." Crys replied.

"Or." Tomas spoke up.

"Or?" Brandon asked.

"I had an idea last night. Perhaps we could all go camping this weekend." Tomas explained.

"Camping?" Crys said quietly, immediately tensing up.

"Camping?" Emma asked, confused.

"I was sitting outside last night, it was really nice. The sky was clear as could be and it was cool out. Perfect weather for camping, so I had the idea that we should all go camping together." Tomas continued explaining, sounding a little eager.

"That sounds kinda fun." Brandon said.

"I would not be opposed to the idea, but how does this relate to Crys telling us about what had happened to her?" Emma asked.

"She could tell us while we camp out. I think it would be nicer to talk there than sitting in someone's living room for an hour getting a debrief." Tomas said, not trying to be rude, but only mostly succeeding.

Emma nodded her head a little, seeing where Tomas was coming from. "I am surprised with your patience." She said.

"I still want to know." Tomas said. "But I've waited this long, and she already promised to tell us, so I think I can wait just a bit longer."

Emma gave a slight smile. She was proud of Tomas.

"I think camping sounds fun," Brandon spoke up again, "but..." He trailed off.

"What?" Tomas asked. "Too outdoors-y for you?"

"No, it's not that." Brandon said. "Crys-"

"I don't know." Crys interrupted, taking it from there. "I-I don't think camping is such a good idea."

Imperfect Life: Arc 7Where stories live. Discover now