Leorio why me?

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Your now almost face to face with Leorio. He reaches in his pockets. What's he looking for? Could it be... flowers, a gift, or something romantic?

You begin to wonder...
"Why me?"

"How could I be here now?"

He's still trying to find something in his pocket.

YOU were standing in front of Leorio, the tension was high. You were ready to see whatever it was, ready to react to any movement from him. He was digging in his pocket, searching for something.

You couldn't see what it was yet, but you continued trying to guess what it could be in your head. You were nervous, and blushing. But you tried to hide it. You thought you were prepared for whatever might happen.  Until...

He spoke... "Darling, this might take me a minute so, if you don't mind. Bear with me here. I promise... it'll be okay."

"DARLING?!" You think in your head. Nobody has ever called you that!

He's still digging in his pocket.

He finally takes his hand out and there's a...

Knife in it?!

You begin to freak out and try to open the door he shut. You realize it wont open.

You get down and beg for him to spare you.


"WHY ME?!" You say as tears begin to fall down your face. Your entire body is shaking. Your scared. He hasn't even done anything with it yet. Why are you so scared?

You begin to think rationally as Leorio puts the small knife back in his pocket. "Sorry dear. I didn't mean to scare you. I promise I have no bad intention. My bad, love."

"LOVE?!" HE JUST CALLED YOU LOVE! You scream inside of your head.

He reached over to his other pocket. As you began to stand up. Your stumbling over your own feet. Your a hot mess. But he... he thinks your a cute hot mess. Or so you thought...

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