36 -Announcement Arc-Sinbad's Prophet

शुरू से प्रारंभ करें:

Mori took the longest to figure out what he had just asked, and their face turned bright red when they did. "IT'S NOT LIKE THAT! WE DIDN'T- DID PISTI NOT TELL YOU GUYS THAT I WAS DANCING???" Their voice cracked a bunch. After a sharp inhale, they rambled an explanation of hurting themself while dancing.

"Oh." Came from everyone except Sinbad.

Ja'far recovered from the whiplash faster than the rest. "I'll go have a cot setup for you, and I'm sure at least one of the medical magicians hasn't gone to bed yet."

Mori looked away from everyone. "I want to get back to my room as soon as possible."

Ja'far left to see what was available at the medical tent.

While they waited, Shar walked over to Drakon and Sahel. He spoke quietly enough to keep things in their circle. "So... Why is he so upset if they've been rejecting him the whole time?" When hadn't Yam rejected Sharrkan? You didn't see him cry to the others about it! ((Yeah, only to Masrur))

Drakon sighed and shared a look with his wife. This only made Shar more curious, but it was obvious he wasn't supposed to ask again right now. He just crossed his arms and turned to watch his King.
~POV Sinbad~
When Sinbad helped Mori to the bench, he kept an arm around them to stabilize them, but also so he could keep touching them a little longer. Mori kept their arms around him for support while walking, and even after sitting down they didn't fully let go, so neither did he. When Ja'far made his suggestions, Sinbad could feel Mori's back tensing even though it didn't show on their face or in their voice. He would have to ask about it when he had a chance.

Barely a minute after Ja'far went to get a medic, Mori spoke quietly. "I'm sorry... for burdening you."

Sin responded just as quietly. "You have nothing to apologize for."

"But I made you carry me all the way here."

"I wanted to carry you, and I'd gladly do it again."

Mori tightened their grip on his clothes. "But I snapped and trauma dumped on you without your permission." He hadn't heard that phrase before, but he understood from context.

He sighed. Was this guilt an aftereffect of their outburst? "Mori. You know parts of my past I've never told anyone. You accepted me and chose to help me anyway. I can't do the same for you if you never tell me anything."

Sinbad couldn't see their face past their bangs with their head down, but he could feel and see them trembling again. They covered their face with one hand as they nodded to respond. He lightly squeezed them against himself with the arm he had around them. That was all the encouragement Mori needed to lean their head against him. Tension slowly released from his shoulders. However upset Mori was with him, they were still willing to find comfort in him. Earlier they had even agreed in wanting him to become someone they could trust. Mori still liked him. Sinbad hadn't lost yet.

Ja'far returned with a very tired medical magician and painkillers. The healing magic would promote faster healing, and the medicine would lessen the immediate pain over the next few hours. After the magician left, Ja'far repeated his offer from earlier. "Are you sure you don't want to rest here?" It was worth a shot.

Instead of answering Ja'far, Mori looked up at Sinbad with an expression that made his heart race. It was one part longing, one part desperation, one part hopeful, and 100% adorable. "Did you mean what you said before?" They were quiet so the others couldn't hear, but that wasn't why Sinbad was caught off guard. Fate was on his side in a way he couldn't have anticipated. When he didn't answer right away Mori clarified, "...That you'd carry me again?" They looked at the steps leading up to the Palace. "I won't be in any condition to climb those stairs on my own for a while, and I really want to go home, so..."

Magi: Sindria's Prophetजहाँ कहानियाँ रहती हैं। अभी खोजें