Chapter 9: Destroying the Bridge

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The five of them arrived back on Asgard to see that Heimdall had broke free from the ice Loki had incased him in, and managed to put the sword in the slot to open the Bifrost, but he was very weak.

"Get him to the healing room!" Thor ordered. "Leave my brother to me."

"Wait, I'm coming with you." (Y/n) said. "I still have a few select words for Loki that I'd like to tell him."

Thor nodded, and wrapped an arm around her waist, using his hammer to fly them to the palace.


Meanwhile, the Laufey and another Frost Giant had managed to enter Odin's chambers. Frigga grabbed a sword and tried to defend her and Odin, but only managed to take down one Frost Giant while Laufey batted her to the side.

He approached Odin and pried open his one good eye. "It is said that you can still see and hear everything that transpires around you. I hope it's true, so that you may know your death came at the hand of Laufey."

Laufey created an ice dagger and raised it to kill Odin, but before he could, a blast of light hit him in the back, sending him into the wall.

Loki approached his biological father with a look of hatred. "And your death came by the Son of Odin."

Loki blasted Laufey again, reducing him to ashes.


He turned and saw (Y/n) standing in the doorway, just having watched him kill Laufey. The site certainly surprised her greatly.

"My love, how did you get back—?"


Once (Y/n) had broken out of her shock, she rested back and slapped Loki across the face.

He groaned lightly in pain. "Well...I suppose I should have seen that coming..."

"What the hell were you thinking?! Sending the Destroyer to kill your own brother and our friends?!" She yelled.

"Darling, I know you are upset with me, but please trust me when I say that what I'm doing is for us." He reasoned.

At that moment, Frigga regained consciousness and stood up to hug her son. "Loki. You saved him!"

Loki pulled away and looked at his mother and (Y/n). "I swear to you both that they will pay for what they've done today."

(Y/n) opened her mouth to argue with him, but at that moment Thor entered the room.


Frigga looked over and rushed to hug Thor as well. "Thor, I knew you'd return to us."

Thor hugged her back, but kept his eyes on Loki. "Why don't you tell her how you sent the Destroyer to kill our friends, to kill me?"

Frigga frowned. "What?"

"Why, it must have been enforcing father's last command." Loki excused.

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