Chapter 5: The Truth

Start from the beginning

(Y/n) took a step towards him. "Loki? H-How did...?"

"I fear I may be cursed." Loki theorized.

(Y/n) took another step forward and Loki took a step back.

"No, stop. Don't come near me. I don't want to hurt you." He warned.

(Y/n) took another step forward and slowly reached out to take his hand. "You won't hurt me, Loki. I trust you."

Hearing those words, Loki's face softened. He tentatively brought his arms up to wrap them around her and she slipped her arms around his neck.

The two embraced, just standing there, taking comfort in each other's company. Loki pulled back a bit and looked down into her eyes. He felt himself start to lean down, and he noticed that she started to lean up towards him as well.

"Stop!" A voice echoed.

Loki looked over (Y/n)'s shoulder and saw his father standing at the top of the stairs.

"Am I cursed?" Loki asked him.

Odin shook his head. "No."

"What am I?"

"You're my son." Odin replied.

Loki stared at his father intensely, the blue fading from his skin. "What more than that?" He walked passed (Y/n) and started walking towards Odin. "The Casket wasn't the only thing you took from Jotunheim that day was it?"

"No." Odin admitted. "In the aftermath of the battle, I went into the temple and found a baby. Small for a giant's offspring. Abandoned, suffering, left to die. Laufey's son."

Loki furrowed his brows. "Laufey's son?"

(Y/n)'s eyes widened, and she raised a hand to her mouth.

Meanwhile, Loki was becoming more and more confused, and more and more upset. "Why? You were knee-deep in Jotun blood, why would you take me?"

"You we're an innocent child." Odin replied.

Loki shook his head, not believing him. "No. You took me for a purpose. What was it?"

Odin stayed silent for a few moments.

"TELL ME!!!" Loki bellowed.

"I thought we could unite our kingdoms one day. Bring about an alliance, bring about permanent peace. Through you." Odin confessed.

"What?" Loki whimpered.

"But those plans no longer matter."

"So I am no more than another stolen relic, locked up here until you might have use of me?" Loki accused.

"Loki..." (Y/n) softly called out to him.

Odin shook his head. "Why do you twist my words?"

"You could have told me what I was from the beginning, why didn't you?" Loki asked.

"You're my son. I wanted only to protect you from the truth." Odin told him.

"Why? B-Because I-I-I'm the monster parents tell their children about at night?"

"No, no." Odin muttered, as he slowly say down on the steps.

"Loki." (Y/n) said a little louder, but Loki was too upset to listen to her, or notice his father's condition.

"You know it all makes sense now! Why you favored Thor all these years! Because no matter how much you claim to love me, you could never have a Frost Giant sitting on the throne of Asgard!" He ranted.

"Loki!" (Y/n) shouted as Odin fell back on the stairs.

Loki finally seemed to register his father's condition and his face faded from anger to concern as he watched Odin lie there unconscious.

"Guards! Guards, please! Help!" Loki called.

Two guards came rushing in and quickly began tending to Odin.


Later that evening, Odin was lying in his bed chambers in his nightwear still unconscious. Bright gold light surrounded him and his bed as he regained his strength. Frigga and Loki sat next to him on either side, just watching him.

"I asked him to be honest with you from the beginning." Frigga admitted. "There should be no secrets in a family."

She found out that Loki knew he wasn't their biological son.

"So why did he lie?" Loki asked.

"He kept the truth from you so that you would never feel different." His mother explained. "You are our son Loki, and we your family. You must know that."

Loki didn't reply. He just looked down in thought.

"You can speak to him. He can see and hear us even now." She told him.

"How long will it last?" Loki wondered.

"I don't know. This time it's different. We were unprepared."

"I'll never get used to seeing him like this." Loki admitted. "The most powerful being in the Nine Realms, lying helpless until his body is restored."

Frigga touched Odin's hand. "He's put it off for so long now that I're a good son Loki. We mustn't lose hope that your father will return to us. And your brother."

Loki looked up at her at the mention of his brother. "What hope is there for Thor?"

"There is always a purpose to everything your father does. Thor may yet find a way home."

Loki then got up to leave the room, when the double doors suddenly opened. Several guards stood on the other end and bowed to Loki as a man in robes entered carrying the spear. He knelt in front of Loki and held it out to him.

"Thor is banished. The line of succession falls to you. Until Odin awakens. Asgard is yours." Frigga announced to him.

Loki's eyes widened in surprise and he slowly took the spear from the man's hands, holding it his own and feeling a sense of power washing over him.

"Make your father proud...My King."


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