The Most Toxic Avenger Meeting

Start from the beginning

Peter looks upset as Tony looks back at board. Y/N quickly offers a hug to the young boy and console him. "It's alright. You're a good Avenger."

"Am I?"

"To the third tier!" It's feels like hours and they're like halfway there. "Vision! You did good. Next person, Wanda. You also did good. Then Pietro, you did good too."

"Hey, hey, hey, hey!" Pietro speaks up. "You went all this way to make fun of everyone in detail and yet you can't even give a complement to us."

"I complemented you." Tony corrected him.

"Doing good is not a complement." Wanda disagrees with him.

"Fine. You people are such leeches for praise. Vision, good lasering. Wanda, like your magic. Pietro, I like that you're fast. Now to the second tier." Tony reveals the first of the two people that is on this tier. "The Hulk. I like that he's actually great and destroy stuff. Still trouble listening to my commands."

Bruce sighs. "And he still managed to get on the second tier."

"Yes, because the bar is so low." Tony gives another blow to the team, who almost everyone doesn't care about his opinion. "To the second person. And although not first, he still did good. As the saying goes, second is the first to lose."

"God Tony, how much Dance Moms did you watch?" Natasha wonders.

Tony holds the postmark and reveal whoever it is. "Y/N!"


"The hell!?"


"Tony, I was sick last mission." Although it seems a bit mean that everyone disagrees with the placement, Y/N agrees with it with a very good reason. "I didn't do anything."

"I whole heartedly disagree. Even when you were sick, you still were back at HQ, where you gave viable information to us."

"All I did was cheering you on." Y/N corrects him.

"And that was our key of victory." Tony is ready to move on, though he gets interrupted.

"Tony, why did you put Y/N so high?" Steve asks, doubting Tony's intend. "There must be an alternative motive."

"There is none."

"Is it because you have a crush on him?" Natasha spills the beans, making everyone intrigued. Y/N especially wonders his answer. Tony, who looks like he has been caught, quickly changes his facial expression.

"I don't know what you're talking about."

"Tony, do you have a crush on me?" Y/N presses him.

"Do you have a crush on me?" Tony retorts the question.

Y/N frowns a bit. "I asked you first."

"I asked you second."

"...I'm not getting an answer, do I?"

"Do I get an answer?" Y/N remains quiet as Tony continues to look at him. "Thought so." And thus, he moves to the final tier and last person. "And the one that did the best is..." And he reveals whoever it is, and to no one surprise, it's- "Me!"

"Wow, what a surprise." Vision comments with no enthusiasm.

"Couldn't guessed that." Clint deadpanned comments.

"You don't need to clap. It was only natural it was I on the top." Tony sounds modest, but nobody got that expression. "And I'm going to explain why."

"I rather not hear it." Steve responds with a disapproving look. "You announced a meeting, where you placed each and every one of us in a toxic list based on your own opinion on us. Put yourself on the top just to boost your ego. Put Y/N on the second place because you like him, despite even him agreeing he shouldn't be there. Insulted and dismissed every positive thing we did last meeting. Barely praises those who are higher. Made Thor self-conscious. Zero feedback on how we could improve ourselves. And you expect us to listen to you while you brag."

There is just one thing Tony could respond to this. "Yes."

"Alright people, we're leaving." Natasha says to everyone in the room, causing everyone to stand up and start heading to the exit.

"Wow, I didn't expect the Avengers to be sooo sensitive." Tony mocks them, causing those who walk pass to glare at him. "All I did is commenting on your performance and you took it personal."

"You called me nothing special." Natasha points out.

"And?" Natasha rolls her eyes as she and everyone walking out of the room. "Y/N, wait!"

Y/N looks back at Tony. "What?"

"You sure you don't have a crush on me?"

Y/N frowns. "Fuck off..." He says tiredly and exited the room, being the last person to leave.

Now, Tony is all alone in the room. He looks back at the pyramid. "At least I had fun."

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