I just shrugged. There was no way to explain it, really. Not in a way that anyone but Wren and I would understand. Wren wasn't the same with me as he was with other people. And I didn't know how I would feel about it if he was. Part of me liked being the only one Wren was different for, the only one that could see more layers of him. And he was the only one who could see more of me.

Anthony left the table and Wren took a few sips of his drink before he brought up finals again, much to my dismay.

"I can help you prepare for your finals," Wren repeated.

I let out a sigh. "You don't need to do that."

"You have a lot going on," he said. "There's no shame in needing some help."

He said that like it was so easy, but he had no idea what it felt like to have a boyfriend who was so much smarter than you knowing you needed help with stupid Gen Ed finals. It was humiliating, having my ivy league boyfriend see how much dumber I was than him.

"And if I don't want your help?" I snapped, and instantly winced at my tone.

Wren just smiled over the rim of his cup.

"Sorry," I muttered. "I shouldn't snap at you."

"Embarrassing you wasn't my intention," Wren replied, always knowing exactly how I felt. "I would just hate for you to be overwhelmed."

My heart warmed at that. I was still so used to being defensive around Wren. I had to wrap my head around him actually being open about his care for me.

"I'll let you know if I need you," I relented. Something told me that was all Wren wanted: to be needed.

A little while later the two of us walked back to Wren's dorm and each took a shower. Wren had suggested we take a shower together, but I just slammed the bathroom door in his face, my cheeks red with embarrassment.

Wren had some of his clothes laid out for me when I got out of the shower. The outfit was something I wouldn't have picked out for myself, so I thought of this as Wren's way of getting me to dress better.

He set out light cream colored pants that were rolled at the ankle with a dark green sweater and a white shirt to go underneath. I put the clothes on, and the pants were a little snug in the waist. The sweater, which would have been over sized on Wren, was a closer fit for me.

When Wren got out of the shower, just a towel around his waist, he looked at me and nodded.

"What?" I asked, looking down at the clothes and suddenly feeling self conscious.

"I just thought that color would look nice on you," he explained. "I was right. It brings out your eyes."

My first instinct was to cover my face with my hands, shielding Wren from seeing the embarrassment on my face. But I didn't because the look on his face made me keep my eyes on him. He was smiling at me as he looked me over, clearly happy with what he'd done.

"Pants are a little tight," I told him, standing up from where I sat at his desk.

Wren shrugged and opened up his closet to pick out his own clothes.

"Maybe that's what I'll get you for Christmas," he said. "Some pants like mine."

"You don't need to get me anything for Christmas."

I hated Wren spending money on me on food and coffee. The last thing I wanted was for him to actually buy me gifts.

"Okay, I'll just get you something for fun," he said with a grin, pulling his shirt on over his head.

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