Oneshot - Carla: Alone Time

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I'm back.
Uploads won't be frequent but they'll still be happening. Get ready for some Tsunikami action.
Carla was sat in his favourite armchair. He'd been in a bad mood all day because he wanted to see you. There had been plenty of opportunities, of course, but, just as the two of you were about to do something, you got called by someone to do something.
First, it was a servant calling for help with one of the wolves, who had got a large splinter stuck in its paw. You were one of the only people who could get near to them and had knowledge of first aid, even for animals.
Then, as you had returned and the two of you were about to snuggle down by a fireplace, you had been called out again. This time, a friend of yours had got themself in a spot of trouble. Carla didn't know what had happened, but it took you a while to return.
And finally, the one that happened at least once a day, Shin decided to be a third wheel. He swooped in, just as you sat down next to Carla and started talking to the two of you. You were much more talkative than Carla, of course, who was fuming.
But finally, Shin decided to leave. Carla let out a sigh of relief as he left.
"I thought he'd never leave..." he groaned.
"You didn't enjoy the conversation?" you asked.
"No, I just wanted him to leave."
You leaned your head on his shoulder. "Did you want to be alone that much?"
Silence. But then. "...Yes..."
You giggled quietly and pulled away. "Alright then, if you insist-" You were pulled back into his chest and he buried his face in the crook of your neck.
"Don't make me mad..." he muttered.
You wrapped your arms around him. "Alright. Why so touchy all of a sudden?"
He pulled away and looked you dead in the eyes. "Cause you're mine."
You frowned. "I'm my own person, thank you very much."
"I meant you're my partner."
"Good, cause I'm not an object."
He huffed, pulled away and stood up, starting to walk away. You got up and back hugged him, pulling him back to you.
"Where do you think you're going?"
"You're giving me a headache..."
You smiled and pecked the side of his face. "Let's go somewhere quiet then."
He nodded and you smiled, linking your arms together and walking out of the door.

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