The airport

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(Kai POV)

9:30 am, ugh. i just got a call from Skylor that she has to pick up an old friend from 2 years ago from the airport, she wouldn't tell who but she said i would like them. I don't think i'll like the person if its a boy.

I walk into the kitchen where my younger sister, Nya is sitting down.

"Hey bro, why the sad face" my sister says while looking up from her phone. "Well, Skylor needs ME to drive her to the airport for some friend of hers". Man, i'm really too tired for this. "Oh well maybe the person is nice, is it a he, she, they or something else?" Says Nya while eating a mouth full of cereal. "Idk, she wouldn't tell me." I say while signing, man did Nya really have to eat all the cereal? Nya gets off her seat and walks to the stairs, "It's a boy". "What?", what does she mean with that? "If she doesn't want to tell you who, it's probably a boy and she doesn't want to make you jealous".

WHAT! no way, Skylor wouldn't think i would be jealous, right? "Why would Skylor think i'd be jealous?" Nya is really getting on my nerves right now. "Uhm, because you're a hothead?" Fair point, and after she said that, she just walked upstairs!? Anyway, what time do i have to give Skylor a ride? *checks phone* "WHAT!?" i scream, 11:00 AM? Why so early? How am i supposed to make my hair FABULOUS! "COULD YOU KEEP YOUR VOICE DOWN! IM IN A MEETING!'. Woops, i guess Nya heard me scream, how late is it now tho? "WHAT? 10AM!?" Oh god i am NOT gonna be ready on time! "SHUT THE FUCK UP BEFORE I KICK YOUR ASS!" Okay i should probs be quieter, or else i'll have an angry Nya.


After Kai gets ready.

I'm in front of Skylors house right now. 11:15am, okay maybe i'm a tiny little bit late , but thats okay right?

"Where the fuck have you been?" Looks like Skylor is in the car. "I'm sorry but you know i HAD to do my hair or else i would've died!" Skylor gives me a disappointed look, "Okay 1, that's NOT an excuse for being late, and 2: You could've woken up earlier but no you just had to get your beauty sleep." Okay, fair point but c'mon, who doesn't need to get their beauty sleep!? I'm not the only one right? Anyway, i'm driving us to the airport rn.


We arrived at the airport. I have never ever seen Skylor jump out of a car as fast like she did now. Was this person really so important to her? Wait no Kai, stop acting jealous! She hasn't seen this person irl in over 2 years, what's the worst that could happen? I ran after Skylor inside, but i didn't see her when i walked into the main entrance. Oh nvm, there she was with... a boy? He has auburn curly hair and i've NEVER seen someone with so many freckles! "KAI COME HERE!!" Skylor screamed from across the airport, i swear she has to stop screaming. Every single person was giving us looks! Also to add to it: now i have to introduce myself to this new guy. "Sup dude, I'm Jay. Skylors childhood bestfriend." The guy who now identifies himself as Jay said. "uhm hi, the names Kai, as you probably already heard from redhead here, nice to meet you''. Jay giggled a little when i said redhead, nice, a guy with humor. That's so much better than hearing Coles awful jokes. "Nice to meet you too!" He said a bit too nicely, but i'll let it slide for now.
Skylor and Jay stayed at the airport while i drove home, school starts tomorrow and i'm soooooo tired, i think i'm gonna die.



ARGHHHH i know its short but i really wanted to update and it's late and i need to wake up early tomorrow BUT I PROMISE THE NEXT PART IS GOING TO BE LONGERRRRR!!!!!!!

anyways HAPPY LATE NEW YEAR!!!!!!!!! i'm hoping to write the next chapter before my bday (January 13th) But i can't promise anything bc school :).


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