"All Is Good"

42 3 8

Word count: 2129

Prompt: Harvest

Caspian came gently down the stairs of the castle, his boots echoing through the empty halls, sounding far off and loud at the same time.

His stomach did little flips and twists and his head pounded. For two weeks now, he and Lilliandil had been getting ready for the Harvest ball, the only problem left was- he hated the judging crowds, meeting the important people, and the noise.

Today was the day the ball would take place. It was supposed to help keep the peace between their neighboring kingdoms... or something like that.

And although he was grateful for the peace that had settled over Narnia, he truly was; yet with peace, there were no more adventures across the sea- discovering new lands. Nothing exciting.

No more Pevensie's. No more Lucy. No more Edmund. No more Susan. No more Eustace.

The only reason he still hosted this, even though his uncle, who used to host it, was gone, was because it was tradition; and because Lilliandil, on the other hand, loved balls and parties. She had never seen such wonderful things on Ramandu's Island and she loved to experience every single one of the things she'd missed out on.

And he loved her, so he wouldn't cancel the ball today, she wanted to dance and have fun. It didn't matter what he wanted, he didn't want to be selfish.

Hurrying into the living room, where Lilliandil stood, wearing a light blue dress covered in lace and the small graceful smile she always had on her face, he tried to smile back.

She held a bundle in her arms. A warm, snug bundle. Rilian. He giggled when he saw his father, his cheek squishing against the blanket she held him in, his little hands grabbing for the air.

"Are you ready?" Lilliandil asked, smoothing a hand through Rilian's baby hair. "Caspian?" Softly coming over to him, a silent babe tucked safely in a blanket, fluffy hair sticking up on his head, bright blue eyes staring up at him, she laid a hand on his arm, "You alright?"

He froze, "I'm fine. Just a little worried about how Rilian's going to take this, he's only four months old and-"

Looking down at their son, she smiled, "He'll be fine. He's strong." She paused to glance up at him, "Strong like you." Then she came closer and kissed him, causing Caspian's body to relax a little. His arms went around her waist to bring her even nearer.

Rilian made a small noise in his wife's arms, eyes wide and his mouth fixed in an angry pout.

She sighed against his lips, "We should go out and greet all the guests... besides, Rilian's getting fussy. "

He laughed lightly and bopped her nose with a finger, "Or... we could just call the ball off and have a nice, warm dinner with just us and then take Rilian down to the beach and gaze at the stars all night."

Maybe she'd agree... but he knew she wouldn't.

Frowning playfully, she broke away, "Come on, it's way too late to cancel the ball now; besides, we'll have fun." She moved to the door, gesturing for him to do the same.

He did so, nodding at a guard who stood by the door, seriously doubting that he was going to have any fun, but he could fake it, he was good at that.

Once in the hallway, as Lilliandil walked slowly in front of him, he cleared his throat, sped up, and slightly grasped the back of her airy skirt, causing her to stop moving. "Excuse me... But is it too late to ask a beautiful girl to dance?"

"Timeless" - Narnian Autumn Writing Challenge - Oneshot CollectionWhere stories live. Discover now