"Pretend For A Day"

40 3 7

Word count: 2645

Prompt: Ginger


• Cordelia Hall, and her Uncle are OC's by StorySnippets SaharaCastine and myself


Along the pathway, leaves chased themselves around into little tornadoes of rustic amber and cherry, the air smelled like cold and fall and the chill made her toes curl in her boots.

It was always so easy to forget all the bad on these types of days.

On the days when Cordelia Hall's coat covered her up in a warm, fuzzy feeling of safety, disguising the bruises on her arms that were fading because her father hadn't come around for a week.

Today, because her uncle had brought her here- away from home, life seemed like it could be so easy, so pleasant, so much like the stories she read.

This autumn, he brought her to a small Fall Festival in his hometown, far from her house, so, the car ride was long, and her parents couldn't come. She was completely content.

And she had brought along the pretty pink book that her uncle had given to her, tucked carefully away in her satchel.

As they walked to the entryway of the festival, she noticed how the archway was decorated with fake leaves and branches for the fall season.

Her eyes traveled each place the festival had to offer. It was wonderful and cozy.

Beside her, Uncle walked with a bit of a limp, his left leg never quite reached the ground as his right one did.

But unlike her father, he dressed better, wearing a flannel and jeans, and work boots, caked in dry mud.

Father always wore the same clothing, and it was torn and disgusting. And he always smelled like beer. Uncle Hall on the other hand always smelled like hay and hard work, like the outside.

Like safety.

Reaching the center where a large fountain was set up, the frosty water dribbling out from the concrete spout, Cordelia, in awe, let out a gasp at her surroundings. Never in her life had she seen anything more beautiful.

"Would you like a caramel apple, 'Ginger'?" Her uncle asked, startling her a little and leaning down to her level to point out a stand full of juicy red apples, their bottoms covered in a thick, sugary glaze.

She marveled for a second and then shook her head, disappointment edging her voice, "Mother doesn't like me having sweets..." But her stomach growled for the apple, her tongue wanting to taste the sweetness. It had been so long since she'd had candy that she could scarcely remember the taste.

Laughing, Uncle Hall waved a hand, "She will never know, you might as well eat as many sweets as you can fit in your little belly today." He winked before adding, "And I'll pack you a little baggie full of goodies for the trip home."

Nearly bursting with excitement, Cordelia nodded fiercely, he was right, she would stuff herself so full that the flavor would last in her mouth until next year when maybe he'd bring her here again.

Slowly, hand in hand, they approached the seller behind the booth and she pointed to the biggest caramel apple she could see from her height. "May I please buy that?"

Turning to greet them, the woman smiled, "Hello, Dale, nice to see you."

Her uncle nodded, "Hello, Amy."

"Timeless" - Narnian Autumn Writing Challenge - Oneshot CollectionTahanan ng mga kuwento. Tumuklas ngayon